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Praise be to Bacon!

scurry 9 Dec 11
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Can you make it a little more crispy, please?

OldGoat43 Level 9 Dec 12, 2019

Wasn't the the pattern on Lady Gaga's dress?


Sadly impressive.


Excellent .

GEGR Level 7 Dec 12, 2019


I happen to be ordained with the United Church of Bacon - I'm a Friar.
Also with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. 🙂

@scurry I thought you would have been a Fryer....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Welp, You're not wrong. They gave several choices and I could have picked anything or come up with my own. I did consider the spelling before choosing Friar; it seemed to be both official and funny, whereas fryer (or frier) would be funny, but less official.

@scurry could have picked Dope as well but I assume someone else is already the leader of the church....




  1. a drug taken illegally for recreational purposes, especially marijuana or heroin.
  2. a stupid person.

Hmmm... Should I be offended?

@scurry I figure that all religion is a drug.... hence all followers are addicts while the leaders are just dealers....
Maybe you could have asked to be "Head Dealer?"

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Well, I AM addicted to Bacon.

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