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BeeHappy 9 Mar 26
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I am doubly a monster; I fold down and then back up to dog-ear the page. But only with paperbacks. Hardbacks have penciled page numbers and quote starts on the back flyleaf

Shame on you! ?


I used no worries.

You're lucky! ?

@BeeHappy I don't understand how a group of modern atheist keeps wanting me to do things like talk on the phone and read books and all this other old-fashioned stuff..... We are The Cutting Edge are we not? We text. We download books onto our phone or Kindle..... we stream our television we do not watch it with commercials..... I don't own a DVD player or a DVD I don't own a CD everything is through my phone. Everywhere else in society I am considered the norm except on this website where I'm considered the weirdo.

@EricTrommater, yes you are! Lol
I understand what you are saying but part of it is a generational thing, IMO. Some of us have been reading books and talking on the phone 20-30 yrs longer than you. Old habits die hard. I've read some on my phone too but there is something about holding a book, hunting for books in bookstores, and the smell that is an experience we enjoy. Talking on the phone vs texting? That's more I think a personal communication style. I enjoy hearing a person's voice, especially their laugh, it's like listening to some comedians vs reading them, you lose the rhythm the tone the intent. To me, it's much harder to relay that in writing. My 2 cents.


That is by the book! I have many bookmarks, myself, but if push comes to shove there's business cards, matchbooks, TP, magazine blow-ins, strips of paper.

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 26, 2018

I admit, I'm a monster! 😟

ballou Level 8 Mar 26, 2018

Shame, shame & double shame!!!

Unforgivable! Shame! 🙂


I be a book marker.. got all kinds.. really pretty ones too.

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