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This is a U caption contest

glennlab 10 Dec 20
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At least he didn't try to take it on the bus....


Never happen in Dallas, pot holes are too deep and big.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 20, 2019

Oh crap

freedom41 Level 9 Dec 20, 2019

Actually reminds me of a thing a friend and I did in the 70's. We were living in the old city of a German University town (Heidelberg). We were rebuilding his apartment and I found a nifty large. old beam lying next to a building that was being renovated. It would be perfect for his place so he and I went out at night in my VW bug to get it. It was only a few blocks away but I had a plan. I opened the sunroof and put a blanket on the roof. We then lifted the massive beam on to, of the car and he stood on the passenger seat with his arms around the beam (he was also massive, 6' 4' 190+ lbs) and off I went. Of course I had to stop a couple of times or make some sharp turn (for fun) but I had him remove his shoes so didn't mind being constantly kicked. One of many, many crazy things we did during this time.

JackPedigo Level 9 Dec 20, 2019

Speed bump ahead.


Snacks for the road trip!


Where's that damn glory hole?!


Who needs legs?


At U Haul we really mean You Haul


And, I'm dead.

KKGator Level 9 Dec 20, 2019

That wasn't my caption for the pic.
Just my reaction to it.

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