This βsun hatβ would work well in Florida! Great idea.
This is humorous...but I'm impressed with the efforts of third world and minor nations to go alternative energy. The three largest Solar "farms" are in China, India, and Saudi Arabia. Wind turbine tech is being adapted everywhere.
This video doesn't show "third world" adaptations...but just look at the technology. Look at the size of the equipment. And this is England working with Ireland....building far bigger wind (indirect solar) farms than any one else...
@Jetty The points of renewable energy are that...
And yes; for most of the renewables...most of their components will be easily recyclable.
-but that's not an important goal right now.
The concern about the "recyclability" of renewables, like wind almost absurd.
They will work quietly, at low heat production, for decades before they need "recycling"....and decades from now recycling will obviously be better.
We will be saving kilotons of fuel digging (by huge machines that themselves are hard to recycle) We will be avoiding dumping kilotons of noxious gas in to the environment.
We will be avoiding dumping excess heat in to our already overheated planet.
Please; do not focus on the 'recyclability" of renewable energy tools and equipment.
We are finally working to let fossil fuels stay in the ground. That will be, by far, our most important accomplishment as a civilization in the coming decades.
And Kudos to your friends in India using recycled materials to make roads!!!
But let me say this about tree planting.
What I've discovered is that 'tree planting" is token.
Just getting land owners to let land lie undeveloped and the regrowth will naturally occur.
Remember only 30-40% of land has trees...and land covers 30% of the planet; so that means only 9-12% of the planet gains from the benefits of forested areas - whereas 90% of the 70% ocean has phytoplankton floating near the surface. It gives many parts of the ocean that we see the green and brown coloration....and that also means 63% of the earth's oxygen is replenished by these microscopic floating pre-plants....who gave us our Oxygen, a billion or more years ago.
@Jetty We can, we are, we must. I hope you watched the video.
"Growth in the recycling rate was significant recently. The recycling rate grew more slowly over the last few years. The 2017 recycling rate was 35.2 percent. "
@Jetty I hope you watch the Musk video as well. I think it's a bit of a stretch to expect the "carbon tax" he proposes to work. But if we just lower or remove some of the incredibly large tax incentives we give them now..that would be a step in the right direction....and the US and Australia are working toward that end.
@Robecology This has been very informative. Thanks.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsGive yourself credit.
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Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.