Happy happy Thursday!
Geez, at this point, Happy Any Day!
@phxbillcee lol my apologies! It's hard to keep up while at work.
@Livinlife I seldom had that problem, which is why I had those "talks" with HR so often!!!
@phxbillcee lol. Those are always a bummer
woohoo,,, almost a 4 day vaca.. fun times! more memes...
Happy Thursday Bill!
Back atcha, Boss!
Have to use this as mssg. board as I get error when I try to use mine (@Admin, take note). Last night I got the mssg for ages 'til I gave up, but that was for whole site. I got on ok this A.M., but mssg.s shot. Did you have any problems last night & is your mssg function working?
@phxbillcee they updated their site last night.. it was down for a few hours..
@mistymoon77 Are you having problems with your messages?
@mistymoon77 Never mind, I'm good now!
@mistymoon77 wish they would warn us beforehand, it's a pain to get caught mid-meme!
@phxbillcee no, I saw the header on the main page last night.. they were shutting down at midnight or 1am EST I think it said for a few hours.
@Captnron59 @mistymoon77 Totally missed it. Not unusual!
@phxbillcee I can't even tell you how I got back from the bar last night.....
@EricTrommater ...in a haze!
@EricTrommater How's the head today? (NO, not that head, focus!)
@phxbillcee actually I woke up with 3 Tylenol and a Gatorade sitting in a bag of ice next to my bed..... A trick I learned from a meme I posted here once.
@EricTrommater "Be prepared"
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.