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FrayedBear 9 Feb 25
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To those who do not understand what I have written I suggest that you stop being afraid & use your dictionaries to obtain understanding.

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 25, 2020

I looked it up.

Lmao is an abbreviation of the phrase “laughing my ass off. It is used to indicate that something is funny.

You have any more of that stuff you're smoking?

@Robecology Duh!What do necrophilic homosexuals like? What is an ass that has fallen off?


I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

Ludo Level 7 Feb 25, 2020

Be grateful.


Groan - Eye Roll

scurry Level 9 Feb 25, 2020

Translation to English, please?

Robecology Level 9 Feb 25, 2020

You lost me. Huh?

glennlab Level 10 Feb 25, 2020

He's trying to spread his limited understanding of sexuality.

@WonderWartHog99 oh dear, don't tell me your imagination & understanding of necrophilia has failed you? Or is that someone is currently making you feel inferior by attacking your ego or dragging you down?
Down here it is LGBTQ etc. week so currently I am exposed to a number of PC movies.

Is it necrophilia, homosexuality or the combination of the two with a fallen ass that offends your sensibilities (religiosity)?

@FrayedBear Gays having sex their dead doggies is a yawn fest. Even more so with human corpses. Frankly, I've never heard of a religion that banned necrophilia possibly because of its lack of appeal among the masses.

>Down here it is LGBTQ etc. week so currently I am exposed to a number of PC movies.

Up here we are exposed to both a channel changer button and the off switch. Nobody straps me down and forces me to watch Chicago PD, where the cops always solve crimes with flimsy evidence and people kill each other. That offense my sensibilities.

I prefer hour long travel documentaries, which I normally catch on you tube. One guy who lived in Kenya (currently in Spain) told me I ought to consider visiting Uganda. So guess which travel documentaries I've been watching. If it wasn't the $100 park entry fees where one get gored by high priced hotels inside the park, I might consider it. Most parks we visit are free. The highest priced park we have ever visited here in the states was $30.

Petunia doesn't want to go anywhere near Africa. She's more interested in videos on tiny houses and cruise ships. She wants to visit Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon national parks. If you paid for a cruise from San Diego to Queensland, we might visit you. Buddy, can you spare $4,000?

We're not the typical gringos. Documentaries have low rating. It's like the old joke:

Rocky the Flying Squirrel: Now for the educational part of show --
Bullwinkle J. Moose: DON'T SAY THAT ROCK! Nobody will watch.

As far as religious sensibilities you do know almost everyone here, including me. deny the existence of god? What religion?

@WonderWartHog99 LMAO, Whoops, just made another homosexual necrophiliac happy!
Yes I have an off switch & channel changer also. Currently my favs are the home buying/renovation/international renting shows - though whining US women complaining about unimportant issues is grating, quirky cooking shows, English cop shows (nostalgia), international subtitled movies - I've just watched one on activists in France working to change knowledge and official implementation of safe practices to prevent & research a cure for HIV/AIDS.
Perhaps your parks only have skunks, squirrels, cougars and bears is why they are cheap - the number of paying visitors probably far outweighs Uganda's numbers hence lower US prices?
Queensland fortunately is about 2000 klms from me. And no I don't have a lazy US$4k! & Imo a coronovirus in an ocean going bug incubator does not appeal - nor do flying incubators.
I wrote sensibilities. Your belligerent responses frequently verge on the religous in their fervour.

@FrayedBear >Perhaps your parks only have skunks, squirrels, cougars and bears is why they are cheap -

They are cheap (mostly) because they're tax supported. Parks in the western US are commonly charge while those in the eastern US (where I am) rarely charge. It's free to visit the most visited national park, the Smoky Mountains National Forest. The two parks Petunia wants to visit are in the western US and hence the most expensive.

When they do have a price they vary depending if you want an annual pass (up to $70 per person) or for a car or an individual. Individual pass can be as low as $5 or as high as $35. I get a 50% discount because I have a golden eagle card. It's because I'm an old guy.

For a breakdown, see: []

GENERALLY SPEAKING, campgrounds at parks will cost you. (Absolutely free in cases where the campsite is inaccessible by car). Price is determined if you're driving in with an attached camper, a recreational vehicle or using a tent. They're way more expensive if you check into a privately operated campground.

One of our favorite campsites (Mount Pisguh ~4,500 feet) cost me $8 a night while the local lodge (privately operated) across the street cost $180 a night for a room. We walk across the street and get good eats.

Pictured below is our campground there and the mountain. It comes with a bear box to store food in.

Now it's your turn to talk about prices on Aussie national parks, camping, lodging and fees. Don't forget to visit "Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)".

Uganda parks won't allow tent camping.

@WonderWartHog99 Have a firkle on this site []
& this one
To get you started.

Another way of doing it is to join housesitters and look after someone's house & pets in a chosen area. It is also available in USA, UK and Canada:

The following gives you a complete list of parks by State in Australia:

@FrayedBear Some of those Aussie camping sites are more expensive (up to $170) than the entering the Uganda parks. I had spoken of one of my favorite campgrounds that only cost me $8 a night. The Great Ocean Hike in southern Australia sounds the most appealing to me.

However, I was asking YOU to tell us of YOUR experiences camping rather than a list of Aussie web sites, which are skimpy on illustrations. Therefore, I assume you've never been a happy camper and could not pitch a cabin tent on a dare. Pup tents can be erected by the hopeless intoxicated, slightly retarded and seriously buzzed except on sandy beach. For that one needs to improvise a type of anchor for the tent stakes or the wind will blow over the tent. The most popular tent is the dome tent which can be erected by throwing it at the ground and rolled over so the bottom touches the ground. Folding it back into the bag it came in is the challenge.

Your web site about house sitting says it's for Aussie house sitters, which ought to eliminate people visiting from the states. If I was looking for ultra cheap lodging, I'd look at couch surfer web sites. When I arrived down under on a boiler tender, the USS Dixie, Aussies called up the ship looking to invite sailors into their homes. My guess is they wanted a house guest who "talks funny." Overall, that's a non-sequitur to the topic of camping.

I figure for you camping would be an alien experience. You may not traveled enough to include photos of your travels down under.

Pictured below: the best campsite we ever found in the Smoky Mountain National Forest. It included a tent pad, a picnic table, a lantern hook and a fire ring with a grate. I didn't notice most of those things in the websites on Aussie campgrounds. Most importantly, it was when the normally crowded Deep Creek campground, located near Bryson City, North Carolina, was almost camper free.




On 2nd base?

@FrayedBear Who never gets to third base with his dates.


@WonderWartHog99 wtf are you squirelling on about?

@FrayedBear Why?

@WonderWartHog99 Understanding IMO is neede for satisfactory communication otherwise it is merely like talking to rocks on the beach like Shirley Valentine.

@FrayedBear You have a humble opinion? I never knew.

@WonderWartHog99 Where Wonder hog do I use the word "humble". Please read what I wrote not what you think that I should have written - perhaps it is your own opinion of your self that you think that I should be humble to you? Like to hubristic aristocrats of old I should knuckle my forehead to you or that African Americans & natives should stand aside for your inflated ego?

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