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Is this what you do in the woods?

FrayedBear 9 Mar 12
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scurry Level 9 Mar 12, 2020

For some it is probably heaven!

@FrayedBear Maybe, just probably not the raccoons.

@scurry I'm sure that like hoomans raccoons all have favoured behaviour. Im curious as to what might beused to entice them - maple syrup or is it just another case of rape and animal cruelty - compare to hooman behaviour to other hoomans? Which is worse - oh of course much of the latter is in the name of some god


Who did the research?

Someone with a stretched anal sphincter?

@FrayedBear My raccoons won't play with yours.

@WonderWartHog99 We have possums not racoons. Echidnas could be interesting.

@FrayedBear Your possum is serving 8-10 years.

@WonderWartHog99 Possums need more than 4". 100000's were recently burnt to death.

@FrayedBear > Possums need more than 4"

Sez who? You been jamming possums up gaping assholes again?

@WonderWartHog99 just know how fat the little bastards get

@FrayedBear According to you, there aren't any raccoons down under.

@WonderWartHog99 Only in the zoos.

@FrayedBear Animals in zoos aren't allowed to get fat.

@WonderWartHog99 you should see what waddles through the gates on a typical public holiday. LMAO

@FrayedBear I have a feeling you escaped from the zoo and they were happy to put up the sign, "Skunk exhibit closed. Skunk escaped because we wouldn't get him a mate. 🦨"

@WonderWartHog99 You appear to be getting personally bellicose and not abiding bythe rules of engagement on this site. I must be accurately responding to bring out the worst in you.

@FrayedBear > I must be accurately responding to bring out the worst in you.


Good luck .

GEGR Level 7 Mar 12, 2020

Not the raccoons around here. The ones I see are very well fed, so that ain't happening.

EricJones Level 8 Mar 12, 2020

I deport my raccoons to funky town. Petunia said she hated driving through town with a raccoon in the bed of the truck. It made her feel like Super Hick.

One of my neighbors would always spray paint the raccoon's butt international orange before he deported it. If his raccoon trap got sprung again he'd know if it came back.

@WonderWartHog99 I recall one clever man who set a trap in his attic and caught one every night for a month until someone told him to stop releasing it 50 metres down at the end of the road.

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