I'm totally addicted to this appliance. I had it in my old home...and now that it's installed here...my life is complete! Totally worth it....do look in to one....the warm water - where the sun don't shine...is....just....
Wth is it? Where does it live and how do you use it?
@FrayedBear Here you go!
@Robecology Must say that this looked a lot simpler but no warm water - only a winter problem!
I believe that this is very popular in Indonesia.
It won't create fat burgs.
@FrayedBear I bought my first one over 10 years ago...when it was over $100 cheaper. it was priced in the mid $80's around 2010. And to answer your implication...it's totally variable in temp- you attach it to both hot and cold water lines...and the valve mixes it to your tastes...er....desire for certain temp...
It is a bidet...and the east - China, Japan, Indonesia - has adapted to it far more than "the west" has. But I swear...it's amazing, it's pleasant, it's easy to attach and adjust. Strongly recommended!
@Robecology I like the fact that it is easily attachable. Where I am I only have cold water in the toilet, used to fill the cistern.
@FrayedBear Mine is attached via a tube/pipe to the hot water supply from a nearby sink. You have no hot water? Not even Solar?
@Robecology Toilet is a separate room to the bathroom.
@FrayedBear So I'm guessing that's a No?
@Robecology Hot water every where but the toilet.
@FrayedBear Well then...no warm water bidet for your butthole!
@Robecology Not unless I friction heat a copper pipe by rubing my hands or knees together on it. The obvious answer is to coil 20 metres of 1" black pipe on the roof and run it through the window. This results in 20 litres of hot water.
@FrayedBear Now you're talking. I actually tried that with my Ecology club and a shop teacher...ended up buying commercial grade enclosed tubing....but that's essentially what they are. DO IT and take pics! Please?
@Robecology I started watching this and failed to comprehend why he is doing many things so inefficiently - the ties - simply use aluminium bar, drill a row of holes the size of the copper tube down the centre then cut the bar in half. But as the water is not required to be potable just use black pipe!
I was going to install this system 20 y.ago on the roof of my mobile home for the shower & kitchen sink but never got round to it - I think some bastard ran me over. I was simply going to lay the tubing on the curved roof and hold it down with metal saddles (https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ota&q=fixing+saddles+metal&iax=images&ia=images) riveted down.
Ping @Allamanda
@FrayedBear "was going to do it"...doesn't count. You know you want free hot water. You know how to make this. Get 'er done. Do photos along the way. C''mon, mate...do this...
@Robecology it's a long story!
Yeah forgot the photo or had it stolen again.
You can connect it to a pressure washer or just add sulphuric acid to the water.
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