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When you wake up on the morning and all seems different.

BudFrank 8 Mar 23
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I've always figure if you want social distance, head for the hiking trails. Here in South Carolina (SC), many of the hiking trails become over grown because of lack of use. In the mountains GPS signals are blocked and one may have to resort to the principals of coastal marine navigation. If you want to lose the cops, head for the hills.

Today the SC governor decided to close down the state parks this Wednesday.


It's a wild and scary ride to be sure


The USA has been living in The Twilight Zone since November 9, 2016 . And it gets worse by the day, I just hope that it will improve by November 3, 2020 .

GEGR Level 7 Mar 24, 2020

you took the words right out of my mouth - Well done!


According to the most recent ruling from South Carolina's governor, police can arrest gathering of three or more because of the potential damage to public health. Therefore if you go to a person's home to have your hair styled, when her husband comes home all three of you can go to jail for being a public threat to health.

Thar's something dangerous going on Bubba.

And in gaol your probable punishment is infection from the virus.
But take heart old hog, Tom Hanks has seemingly survived.


Unless you live in Queensland aka Banana Bender land - it is always the twilight zone circa 1950. 😉

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 24, 2020
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