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How is your government proving itself effective in this time of global crisis?

Jetty 7 Mar 28
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The Canadian government was a little slow to start moving. Quebec is much more on top of things.


My State's Governor (CT), Ned Lamont, is doing a fine job, including informative press conferences & getting doctors & other health care workers to come out of retirement to help.

AnneWimsey Level 9 Mar 28, 2020

The USA is Hobbled By a Fucking Nut Job .

GEGR Level 7 Mar 28, 2020

Imho, the govt is doing good at the state and local level, and all three are playing catch up. I love the new commercial showing trump's do nothing lead up to the curve going exponential, and then him accepting no responsibility. C'mon November!

But... Isn't his approval rating still going up??
I'm Canadian, so I don't completely understand the American political process, or even who all the players are. I'm just hoping for the best.


Historically speaking...If that ain't the base truth, I don't know what is.


All levels of government are doing an amazing job under the circumstances where I live


It isn't on the Federal level but city and state are doing the best they can in NY

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