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About the Universal Flood...

Merseyman1 9 Nov 14
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"No wonder tribal history remembered the event."
The breach of the Straits of Gibraltar took place 5.3 million years ago so it is not likely there was anyone with evolved communication skills to pass it on. Neanderthals may have had some communication skills but seem to have started off only 500,000 years ago. Homo sapiens are much more recent perhaps about 250,000 years ago. I'm sure most primitive societies did experience flood events that were passed on as tribal memories but not the formation of the Med. though.


Probably a story to explain flooding that occurred from Glacier melts after end of ice age

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 15, 2020

Possibly, there have been some great links to various flood stories predating the bible before. As we had verbal and pictorial history long before written that makes sense 🙂

@girlwithsmiles The story of Gilgamesh

@bobwjr apparently and the rest:

Core samples taken in the salt mines of Sicily show that Mediterranean sea has been cut off from the Atlantic ocean and subsequently dried out, to a depth of nearly two miles below sea-level. A few thousand years later seismic activity caused the straits of Gibraltar to become unblocked, allowing the Atlantic ocean to flood back in catastrophically, carving a deep channel and taking only two years to flood the entire basin completely. No wonder tribal history remembered the event.


Excellent point

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 15, 2020

We just have to face, the christian god is kind of a drama queen...

GwenBFree Level 7 Nov 15, 2020

Mmm apart from it was never 2 was it, the instructions were really complicated though lols.


Thanos seemed more powerful. snap fingers, destroy exactly 50% of all the life in the universe.
That's control.
God's performance is more of the amateur variety.

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