2 5

Taking it waaay back. @Phxbillcee was in his teens 😉

OpposingOpposum 9 Apr 12
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“Widely regarded as a bad move”?

Markus Level 7 Apr 12, 2018

You have to ❤ Douglas Adams. So many good ones!


Like the first, have always loved the second. The next 2, well, I've always hated that "something from nothing" mis-conception. That's really what the theists mean with genesis, not what the Big Bang theory proposes at all. Okay, rant over! (& btw, I was only in my toddler phase, @Blindbird, which did last for awhile, I'll admit!)

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 12, 2018

Lol. 2nd is a classic. Wasn't there an article you posted the other day, positing that that's exactly what happened? Something about "nothing being inherently unstable" so it exploded?

@Blindbird Don't think that was quite the conclusion, & I often post stuff I may not totally agree with just to generate conversation. If the Big Bang theory is correct, there was a singularity there, & it contained all that was to become the Universe, or at least the initial building blocks (nothing heavier than Helium). Whether contained in the singularity or bled in from another Universe or something entirely different, who knows, but the Kalam Cosmological Argument is specious & inherently flawed.

@phxbillcee aaaand you're over my head.

@phxbillcee When I try to imagine the Universe starting I end up thinking of time as an Ouroboros?

Or time being non-linear.

@Blindbird Sorry, I'm out of practice with my tea-bagging technique!

@phxbillcee provert

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