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Gathering dirt? 😅

TimeOutForMe 8 Jan 19
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What vacuum cleaner? Most of the world uses a broom. the dust doesn't move around but instead sucked-in. Sweeping makes the dust rise and settle on other stuff. I have a vacuum and blower for my leaves outside too. It just makes it simpler to clean.

@TimeOutForMe Next question - 😉 What cleaning? 😳😁😉


And my cat fur my flaking skin and broken beard hairs


Roomba all the way...

Canndue Level 8 Jan 19, 2021

Roomba is automatically storing the layout of your home and sending it to China! 🤪🤣🤣

@Barnie2years I can only hope. But sure beats the hell out of vacuuming. Also gets to places most would not touch


That sucks

Canndue Level 8 Jan 19, 2021

Especially be wary of the ones named Hoovers, they MUST be working for the F.B.I. and are the covert inventions of its founder....LOL.

Triphid Level 9 Jan 19, 2021

I still use my last vacuum cleaner I purchased about 15 yrs ago. It was strange how the sales person still called it a hoover even though none of those were hoover brands in that section 😂

@TimeOutForMe Just watch out for those Asian made ones, they come with power saving devices that need Fried Rice every 60 minutes to keep them working....LOL

@TimeOutForMe It’s like Kleenex and Q-tips. It’s become the designation for anything that resembles those products.

@Triphid I've got the Samsung brand😊 The AEG and Kenwood ones didn't last longer than 4 or 5 yrs. much for name brands😅

@TimeOutForMe I had a really great one for 16 years, the only problem was that he'd only pick up pieces of food , etc, NEVER the dust and other stuff. LOL
This is a photo of him.

@Triphid food and dust in one go 🤣🤣🤣
Awww sweet

@TimeOutForMe The ONLY problem I ever had with him was that he loved to be vacuumed when I was vacuuming the floors. He actually lay on his back, legs in the air until the stomach was vacuumed to HIS requirements, then wanted both sides and his back done as well.
Even when sweeping the verandas with his around HE had to be swept all over first.
The little groans and soft growls of pleasure he'd utter were wonderful to hear btw, but to actually give a bath, that was another ordeal all together.

@Triphid his way of wanting to be part of the chores and have fun doing so 😂

@TimeOutForMe Yes it was but he's been gone for 4 years now, died peacefully in his sleep.
Still miss my best 4 legged friend a lot.

@Triphid awww sorry to hear🤗

@Triphid if you have a dog, you never have ants, because they starve to death, lol!


What's a vacuum cleaner?

glennlab Level 10 Jan 19, 2021

Sucks up all the dirt and dust 😊

@TimeOutForMe I just rid of all the carpets and use a broom.

@glennlab the dust rise and settle on furniture and other goods when you use a broom😊

Something that can REALLY suck but never charges you money for doing so....LOL.

@TimeOutForMe wet mop or static duster if that's your problem.

@FrayedBear I do use a wet mop and static duster too for various uses around the house.


Only if you have one.

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