6 7

Dropped by to say hi. Love you all. Still mad at that RavenCT woman, but admit it, whom, among you, would really forgive what she tried to do to me. In summery, love you all, still pissed. That is all.

EricTrommater 9 Jan 25
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Enjoy being online again!

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Hello Eric!!! Good to hear from you!
Missed you round here!
I don't know what went down, but I hope you're able to get back to a good place.
Here's a banana-duck to help cheer you up.

scurry Level 9 Jan 25, 2021

I've been around for almost 3 years and I didn't know what happened. I just remember some people trying to police Memes R Us.


Hey there Eric, nice to hear from you again.. its been awhile myself and coming back on here. Not sure what all transpired between you both but hope you are well so shut that door of whatever it was and move on to better things.


Let it go . Nobody cares about her , she doesn’t even exists .

Pralina1 Level 9 Jan 25, 2021

Missed something there.
But not much apparently.


Whom was it who once said "One should always forgive ones enemies but only after they are hung..."
Oh yeah Heinrich Heine...
P.S. I think she is one of many here who have me blocked for telling the truth...

She blocked me peronally and from all her groups because I wouldn't support her take over of the senate.

I was blocked by that cuntasaurus two years ago and so by her roommate for standing up to her drama and steering shit ALL THE TIme . Who cares ? She is not aloud to the senate and thank u Jesus we don’t have to deal w her anymore

@Pralina1 Your colorful mastery of words and story telling often take me on a grand, profoundly happy/sad reflection of events and places; missed opportunities in the past or insight into the world through your eyes. On more then one occasion you have taken me to a peaceful state of bliss.

But "cuntasaurus" (new to my working vocabulary) evoked images of a carnivorous variant of a several thousand pound viscous reptilian that was not pleasant. Your usage was correct I had just misplaced the actual definition of cuntasaurus.

Brought to mind this animation:

So . . . Thank you.

@NoMagicCookie always so powerful . Thank u for sharing this tonight . 🙌🙌🙌🦇🦇🦇

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