Well, I've "twanged it" a few times in my life, & it has never made that sound that I know of! Now, I may have at some point in the proceedings, but not my boner!
Thanks for sharing
@Rudy1962 No problem, bro! Now, let me tell you 'bout my taint...LOL!
@phxbillcee Your taint doctrine?
@Rudy1962 I'll admit, I would love to go over all those documents! cohen has been tRumps lawyer for ages, got to be all sorts of good stuff!
@phxbillcee Stormy Daniels lawyer was calling Cohen a moron, because evidently Cohen had saved video recordings, etc.. . Cohen will turn on Trump to save how own ass
@Rudy1962 But, tRump pardoning Scooter Libby makes it clear that if his people do get convicted, as long as they stay mum he'll pardon them!
@phxbillcee there is that. But you have to be convicted before pardoned. Might ...I don't know...Have to wait and see if the orange douchebag is held accountable for anything...
@Rudy1962 I wish the Dems in Congress had some balls!
@phxbillcee I agree!
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