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What motivation was behind your pet's name?

scurry 9 Feb 16
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As a kid I was tasked with naming two of the many cats that owned us over the years. Snitter and Sweardevil.

Salo Level 7 Feb 18, 2021

I've had 2 cats named cat since I didn't want to get too attached (one was 16 when he died, the other 12)

glennlab Level 10 Feb 16, 2021

A name I would give my child. (Violet, Saffron, Claire ,Hannah, Circe, Phoebe, Grace)
A name I would never give my child. (Testacles which rhymes with Hercules), Betl Geuse, Mr. Big, Ogopogo, Cecil, Remus, Aesop, Seymore.

Mooolah Level 8 Feb 16, 2021

You missed movie characters. I lost my beloved Lola almost two years ago. I named her after the German movie, Run Lola, Run! It was because she ran around like a maniac and had hair that stood out from her head as a kitten 19 years ago when I got her. I have Xena, Warrior Princess and her sister Zoe now. I didn’t name them, the animal shelter did.

I also had Snowball (all white) and Linus (ginger stripe) and Maximilian Schell (all black). I got Ranger and Suzu already named.


As a kid in high school we had 3 cats.
and Cat.

Sounds practical. 😻
My friends named their kitten, Kitten.
Now they have a big ol' chunky cat named Kitten.
(and he's awesome.)

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