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Nothing worse in this world than being Tuna Shamed....tisk tisk. #TunaSammiesUnite

yikes9o9 5 Mar 1
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Something is fishy about that sticker

glennlab Level 10 Mar 2, 2021

Tuna are being over fished and some species are nearly extinct so it's good to see an environmentalist publicising the fact.

Moravian Level 8 Mar 2, 2021

Well if you’re unashamed then why isn’t the cross on fire, that’s who you’re ashamed you support, the people that burn your cross symbolically. Taking the symbol that you tell us represents divine love and turning it into a terrorist orgy of hate.
It must be easier having one symbol for both, but I wouldn’t know, I require neither.
I don’t experience love or hate these days.
Sure you can piss me off, but my rage decays to sadness then exhaustion. Then I have to let it go or be stuck. If I were a ship I’d have a thousand anchors.
I keep a trauma garden in my memories because nothing of relevance will ever be forgotten.
I do have a religious question though, why is it that every time I have to deal with road rage behavior it’s always from church vans full of people. Like they’ll cut me off, or worse. If anyone’s going to flip the bird, or drive threateningly it’s always been church vans for like the last twenty years. So that’s my question what verses in the Bible justify the behavior of your van drivers?


Charlie is sorry.

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 1, 2021
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