Where are Eric and Bill? Anyone else notice those two are pretty quiet?
Maybe they were taken back to the asylum.
Wait. Is this not the asylum? Boy am I in the wrong place.
@Blindbird Just a tough day, dear. Got a sick kitty, & you can tell I'm a bit worried as I didn't make a sexual innuendo out of that.
@Blindbird Eric is still missing?
Bill's been here a while. ...
So they aren't together.....
@phxbillcee. I'm sorry about your pet. Hugs.
@Blindbird thank you, dear. Appreciated.
Maybe they got arrested
Wouldn't put it past em
Yes yes I have....
Aren't Mondays Eric's long days at work?
Don't know what Bill is up to? But I'm suspicious of both.
Yep. It's like toddlers. If they're too quiet, you know they're getting in trouble.
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Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.