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Drama Queens

OldMetalHead 9 July 1
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Summer vacation is school was invented for exploiting children as a labor source...

Yeah, because if the crops didn't get harvested they could just go buy groceries at the store? WTH are you talking about?

@AnneWimsey Cheaper than hiring labor wasn't it?... Take them out of school about the 5th grade so they can work on the farm full time...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I grew up on a third-generation working dairy farm in southern New England.

  1. We were Thrilled to get out of the UNair-conditioned school.!!!!!
  2. It made us happy & proud to help pick peas, process tomatoes, feed the chickens...a real privilege & built strong family bonds & excellent work ethic.
    Letting kids out of schoolnowadays, a place wheremany of them get badly-needed meals, and there is usually air-conditioning, is just silly!
    But back then, I assure you we longed to be together outdoors with Mom & Dad & the grandparents, taking our rightful place as valued partners!
    And yes,there was year-round hired help, including several men who lived on the property, in cabins built for the purpose, plus the "girl" who came in to help with canning, etc. My grandma fed 10 or more people at every meal....including fresh pies every day!

@AnneWimsey Most of the time this wasn't the case as well as leaving children undereducated and forced into farming or low wage jobs. Today it is ridiculous to continue this "tradition" because there is far too much for children to learn we need year round schooling because there is far too much for children to learn so they can live better more productive lives. Year round schooling would have the additional benefit of increasing the pay for school teachers so they could make a living wage.

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