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OldMetalHead 9 July 7
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It worked out pretty well.
He made money and got his aggressive cancer treatment.
He didn't die waiting for treatment like cancer patients in the UK.

BD66 Level 8 July 7, 2021

@OldMetalHead Not really. The bullets just hastened his death. He was suffering from terminal cancer and would have died shortly anyway. A pity as there will be no follow on series.

@Moravian Better Call Saul

@BD66 Waiting for the next series which is currently being filmed I believe

@OldMetalHead temporarily but as I remember it the cancer had returned. I remember him self medicating with chemo drugs in his cabin in the forest

@Moravian He knew he didn't have long to live, that's why he had the showdown with the skinheads at the end.

@BD66 Worked out pretty badly his medical bills were so high he was forced into bankruptcy and lost everything he worked his entire life for then 5 years later the cancer returned and he died.... Meanwhile those people in the UK survived and had no medical bills even with all the cuts conservatives made to the NHS....

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