So that was your screaming that disturbed my pleasuring dream this morning?..if I knew it was you I'd a helped you out..
I'm so good to see your more relaxed..❤❤❤❤
Oh baby girl ♥️♥️♥️ Thank u . I am breathing so much better , so much less stress and panic attacks . I have slept so much since October 22nd , I had no idea I could sleep so much ? I feel like a human again , I saw my house , my dogs , my thoughts . Working 50 hrs a week vs 95 , back at ER , covid numbers low , what else can I ask ???
I was thinking of u yesterday . Cleaning up a drawer w friends cards , New Years cards etc .
I will be looking for your new year post ma’am . I am waiting for this all year . The one of the past , it stayed w me . I want to read this year’s one .
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