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Watching too much Elizabethan era TV!

Killtheskyfairy 9 Dec 16
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One school I was at had a small bridge over a culvert before one of the kids play areas (go thank the planners for that brilliance) so someone had to be on duty at the bridge in case a child fell all of 1m to the culvert (seriously they jump off things higher than that on the playground) and landed on the concrete (for most of the year) or into ankle deep water. It was boring.
So I started to challenge them when they wanted to cross with lines out of Monty Python (I think some of the buggers looked up the air speed velocity of a coconut laden swallow) and speaking to them in Archaic English. We all had a ball there should be more of this.
"Halt! Verily yea are required to state with veracity the requirement to venture yonder?"

The only yard duty I did with a chair and an umbrella.

Budgie Level 8 Dec 17, 2021


bobwjr Level 10 Dec 16, 2021

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