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Dating tip, always be honest.

glennlab 10 Mar 10
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And not the worst either!


I wish I knew that line back when I was single. Would have used it like a boss!!!!

joeandbarb Level 7 Mar 10, 2022

I’d have to wonder if it were true. “Our” generation of men are so I’ll-informed when it comes to sex.

@MsKathleen We grew up on the movies from the 60's and 70's and the attitude that men instinctively knew how to drive a woman crazy in bed and if you didn't you weren't really a true man. Playboy and penthouse magazines helped bolster that attitude. That left two directions left for a young man to take. the first was to be lazy and blame the woman if she didn't achieve orgasm and claim she was frigid. Or the second way which was to study and learn how to help a woman achieve bliss. the problems that we ran into when we took that route was that there is no one set way to turn a woman on. we are all different and the only way to find out how to make(and keep) your partner satisfied is through good communication and experimentation. The sexual education of the day was a one hour poorly made cartoon video. No explanation of how sexual arousal works or even what the other gender was going through. just an advisor on what physical changes we were going to go through as adolescents. I was lucky enough to have been"tutored" by some women that had some years on me and it helped my relationships later. If someone is not told they are not doing it right then they will continue to believe they are doing just fine. experimentation is necessary in any relationship to find out what each others hot points are. Some women( once again due to social pressure) think they are being"slutty if they even think about suggesting something they want to try in bed. Wow this has gone longer than I intended. sorry for the soapbox lecture I'll step down now

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