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President doesn’t have to release the strategic wind reserves…

Killtheskyfairy 9 Mar 31
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Is oil and gas used for electricity production in the US? Gas for heating I guess. Wind would compete directly with coal, but not directly with oil and gas.

Spongebob Level 7 Apr 3, 2022

Believe it or not, Texas leads the nation in wind energy and is expanding it at a fantastic rate.

glennlab Level 10 Apr 2, 2022

...and probably has gone down; The red and blue things are called an Archimedes wind turbine...close to being sold for home use. Only available in Europe right now...



There are a dozen windfarms within 50 miles of my home and a massive windfarm of the coast. My electricity bill rose by 50% a few weeks ago and is due to rise by another 50% today. I'm just hoping that th latest rise was just an April fool joke.

Moravian Level 8 Apr 1, 2022

Wind and solar need reliable grid storage to be practical. I am guessing that has something to do with your rising electricity bills

@Spongebob Yes , renewables have their limitations but the main reason for the rise is that natural gas prices have risen dramatically and a large percentage of the UK's electricity is generated using gas. All of the electricity generated goes into the UK national grid and although Scotland produces a very large proportion of it's power from wind turbines it is not separated from the rest.

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