2 9

But, he loves you, and he really needs money.

OldMetalHead 9 July 11
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Not only who's throwing them in there, but who created the place to begin with & made the rules for admission!

phxbillcee Level 10 July 11, 2022

HELL: Because sometimes unconditional love means burning people in a lake of fire for all eternity...

@OldMetalHead If one thinks about the rationale(s) for many religions the basic foundations are absurdist. One doesn't need just faith, one needs also cognitive dissonance, wishful thinking & a frontal lobotomy...

(I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy...)

@phxbillcee ….while Rahab was coming down on you.

@NostraDumbass Wait - - - who's going down on me & why haven't I noticed?????

@phxbillcee if it was me you'd notice.......

@AnneWimsey Oh, I bet I sure would! We could always try a little scientific experiment...

@AnneWimsey I may not go down in history but I'd go down on you Ann.......


Oh no. You’ve got it all wrong. God/Jesus doesn’t send us to hell. We CHOOSE to go there by rejecting him. Blame the victim, in other words….

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