I have never eaten there. I'm a Colonel Chicken guy. When l lived in Louisville, occasionally l would see him downtown driving around in his white Cadillac convertible with a red interior, of course. He would have on the white suit and little black bow tie, and would be waving at everyone. It was kind of cool.
I've never ate it, when I eat chicken it's either Southern (KFC) or Mexican (El Pollo Loco).
I refuse white supremacist chicken.
I've never eaten it either, there are plenty of other choices without supporting someone that thinks some of my friends don't deserve human rights.
Yep, never been there, don't ever plan to go...I will admit, that despite the name I will partake of "Church's" Chicken on occasion...
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
Posted by bookofmoronsMy perfect holiday calendar
Posted by backtobasicsGive yourself credit.
Posted by backtobasicsFollow the money, it leads to the truth.
Posted by backtobasicsI don't care, do you? When they can start proving one of their tales is true, maybe, just maybe, I'll listen.
Posted by backtobasicsA little advice for our daughters and granddaughters both natural and adopted.
Posted by backtobasicsPeople swear there is no heaven, but pray there is no hell.
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsNot really sure about the car light legend.
Posted by backtobasicsNot really sure about the car light legend.
Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.