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Who wore it better?

Rudy1962 9 Apr 27
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These children that come at you with knives. they are your children. You taught them. I didn't teach them. I just tried to help them stand up. . . .

Most of the people at the ranch that you call the Family were just people that you did not want, people that were alongside the road, that their parents had kicked out, that did not want to go to Juvenile Hall. So I did the best I could and I took them up on my garbage dump and I told them this: that in love there is no wrong. . . .

I told them that anything they do for their brothers and sisters is good if they do it with a good thought. . . .

A little bit of truth with a lot of rationalization and twisted crap

@Rudy1962 kinda like Jeebus!


Manson looked like a biker, rocker, serial killer and jeebus.

He was the whole package


Shared. I'm the 1%. It's sad that 99% of those reading it choose not to share.

Mofferatu Level 7 Apr 27, 2018



Obi Wan is the best Jesus. There can only be one lol.

@Johnsalterego Indeed but the line works for many things 😛

We only want one Wan.

@Mofferatu I want a Wan Ton!

@phxbillcee Tasty. A ton of Wans is a lot of Wans! Sounds like you are one who can handle a lot of Wans. 😛

@Mofferatu But, I draw the line at Juans!



KKGator Level 9 Apr 27, 2018

Awww he was just restless lolololol ... f*cking divvy twat .. I have had people say to me.. "don't you think he was a genius though" ... hahahaha!! Errr no ..

Nickbeee Level 8 Apr 27, 2018
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