cold blooded yet funny too. We used to call this , " ranking" on the person .. You could get ranked out.
Think in Uk it's just "banter" if between friends !! Just nothing .. but between strangers could get a bit testy !
I think the best humour really does hit home on the most difficult things doesn't it - this is super cold yes !!!! haha !!
Can only be answered with...
Hahaha!!!! ewww
@Nickbeee Ewww? I'll take Susan Sarandon any day of the week! & Patricia Clarkson ain't bad either! For a single guy you are really picky! Are you waiting for Scarlett Johannsson? Lot's o' luck, bro, & more power to you, but dang, both those women are fine!
@phxbillcee LMFAO no no no no !!! I am happy with both of those girls lmfao !!!
I just meant the title made me squeamish lol !!!!!
@phxbillcee It's been a tough week after Cosby and all those old people memes lol
I'm gonna go right ahead & get greedy with it.
Me & you are gonna fight over Susan Sarandon? Did you catch her with Catherine Deneuve & Bowie in The Hunger? HOT!
And Scarlett in Girl With The Pearl Earring & Lucy...too juicy! lol
@Emme Okay, we set up a wrestling match with all of us! That way nobody loses!
I'm so down!?
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