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Just fake news

Nickbeee 8 Apr 28
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Dang, what a way to find out that someone you don't even know has blocked you by just seeing only half a conversation! Can't please everyone, I guess!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 29, 2018

Really wow!! quite surprised you have been blocked !!



me too. I think that has been done, but when he was so nuts Friday or Thursday, Fox, said nice talking to you and hung up on him. He has been running around using his cell phone because he don't want them to know who he calls. The FBI can't get him to stop, and they explained many frequencies could pick up his cell. I am telling you the guy is mental.

@BettyColeman I tried watching on Thursday, changed the channel just a few minutes into it! So disgusting! That's why he belittles the FBI, they are looking out for his best interest and he feels like they are controlling him! What a dumbass!

@MichelleGar1 45 thinks of the FBI, DOJ, and CIA are like his companies. 45 is so stupid he does not get they work independently from the WH and each other. 45 refers to the Department of Justice as my DOJ. I will make them pay 45 said. I have never seen anyone so dim witted. 45 has no grasp of government and how the FBI and the DOJ must protect the rule of law for the people. They don't belong to him. They belong to America. 45 has been his own CEO and worst enemy. Somewhere I have a list of repossessed assets. I can no longer work on my FB activism as much. My people probably think I have deserted them. I watch CNN in the morning. If he comes on, I change the channel. Sometimes I turn the sound off, but this is part of what a dictator does. He grinds you down until your will is stripped from you. I hate to say it. I thought I would rest on here a bit, get into some of my other interests, make some friends. I have had to take a break. But i will continue to fight after I am a little more rested. I have been at him 2 years now hot and heavy. So I will still work, just not as much for a while. I expect him to be a failure in the 2018 elections. People are finally wising up.. LOL.

@BettyColeman I hope so! That's a great thing that you are doing! Keep it up!! So many people need to be informed! Thank you!!! You're work will not go unnoticed!! It's great here, meet like minded people!! Happy to meet you!

@MichelleGar1 It helps because you are like minded and you can laugh at some of it. I like that. As Capt says, I need to chill, lol. I have a 2 year library of posts. I am just getting started.

@BettyColeman I tend to live my motto, life is to short not to laugh! This stupidity is just, I can't believe it! I have to laugh! I still to this day can't believe people actually voted for this! Lol

@BettyColeman I look forward to seeing all of your posts!!! I'm sure that they will be awesome!

@BettyColeman LMFAO !! He is a complete loon ! Spoilt child of a man 🙂

@Nickbeee I totally agree! Lol

@MichelleGar1 Can we roll him up in carpet and just throw him on a random container ship lol ?

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