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Ewww, Gross!

OldMetalHead 9 Nov 19
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I don't want to excrete where men do. They smell different & it makes me gag.

Mooolah Level 8 Nov 20, 2022

So, that’s why the water tasted salty 🤣


For many, many decades a large, busy park near me had separate washrooms for male and female. A few years ago a significant renovation transformed it into a “Universal” space where everybody mingles together in the same general area now. Can only imagine how much taxpayer money was “flushed down the toilet” on such a hare-brained, unnecessary project. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

The same "logic" could be used to defend separate black and white restroom facilities.

@Druvius Well, no, actually it couldn’t. Because the history of discrimination in the West tells us that separate washrooms, entrances, schools, seating arrangements, etc., for the races were clearly an expression of hostility and bigotry towards non-whites back in the day. Are separate washrooms for say, women, an expression of hatred towards females designed to keep them in a subservient position? That’s the only way your analogy can work, and it’s clearly not the case. Separate washrooms are an acknowledgement of biological differences, and these differences aren’t trivial.

You’re right. Their hearts might be in the right place but their logic makes no sense. In a world where pedophiles, peeping toms and the like still exist, we still need to protect the privacy of each individual genders 👍

@RusselHappy Exactly! Yes, the real potential victims of this type of narcissistic virtue signalling are females. The facility I mentioned is adjacent to a large picnic/playground area. It’s only a matter of time before some type of flashing incident, molestation or worse occurs here that otherwise wouldn’t have when the washrooms were separated. And when it does, I hope the city gets sued. At which point, they’ll set about rebuilding the facility with separated washrooms. Effing brilliant.

Frankly I've never been bothered by the whole bathroom issue. Religion and societys' view have brought us to this level of foolishness. Most public restrooms that have more than one stall do not have a bolt to lock the entrance door. If a person is going to attack someone it's going to happen whether the restrooms are separated for male and females or unisex. Just my opinion.


There is no big deal unless you have made your religion's arbitrary gender definitions part of your identity. But that's your problem, not society's.

Druvius Level 8 Nov 19, 2022
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Posted by noworry28Yep, that's why.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyWalk around with RBF…

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Posted by noworry28Guilty, Guilty, convicted felon.

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Posted by KilltheskyfairySo, not at all?

Posted by KilltheskyfairySo, not at all?

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