5 9

Awww he forgot his little spud.

mistymoon77 9 May 3
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"Eye" would hate that

Livinlife Level 9 May 3, 2018

Hate it when that happens.

Mofferatu Level 7 May 3, 2018

Can happen to girls to now lololol

Spray and pray lol

Nickbeee Level 8 May 3, 2018

@Johnsalterego Just get your manbitch to lick it clean and put it in his shirt pocket!

I could finally write my name in the snow

For women working in landscaping or building. Told a friend about these years ago. Heck they'd be a good thing to store in a car!

Also they come with a waterproof pouch. lol

@Livinlife Cool Huh.. You can goto bars and stand out back peeing up car tyres and all sorts!!

@Nickbeee I'd be the Envy of all the other women who had to stand in those long lines for the bathroom

@Livinlife You can wee in buckets lol

@Nickbeee I suspect playing with the angle could result in wet pants. But I've never tried. Next Winter maybe? lol

@RavenCT Hahahaha!!!!!!!! I would imagine the safest way would be to buy some of that rubber they mould teeth off from a dentists and make yourself a personal one lol. I was thinking that too. If you were drunk and swayed a bit or miss adjusted you could end up like an upside down lawn sprinkler lololol !!! 😮

@Nickbeee And now you know why we find men so amusing! 😛

@RavenCT LMFAO I sit down when drunk .. I know my limits lol

@Nickbeee ?


Don't leave home without it!

LEPeff Level 8 May 3, 2018

God Will Provide.

Coldo Level 8 May 3, 2018
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