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mistymoon77 9 May 12
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Is that krackatoa?

Livinlife Level 9 May 12, 2018

Japanese Hentai


Time to be flagellated

zorialoki Level 8 May 12, 2018

I see what you did there!
It's ok as long as it's not flatulated.


Speaking from experience...
It's "dick wrapped"(totally wrapped around the dick), the female version of the male, "pussy whipped"! But idk what water has to do with it.??

Emme Level 7 May 12, 2018

Maybe into the kinky water sports

I didn't want to say it?


The Flying Spaghetti Monster saw a cute girl in a bikini and got an erection. Makes perfect sense to me.

Ludo Level 7 May 12, 2018

Who was the person that designed this~ what were they thinking, like people would automatically know wtf they had in mind.

As with many signs


Can you imagine your therapist asking you to make up a story based on this? You'd never get out of the hospital!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 12, 2018

Blacky Picture test....[]

@RavenCT Yeah, now ramp that up to this!

@phxbillcee Oh I did... just wanted everyone to get the reference! lol


Kinky penis with whips await you in the water

zorialoki Level 8 May 12, 2018

Whatever it's supposed to mean, I ain't goin' swimming anywhere near there.

KKGator Level 9 May 12, 2018

@Johnsalterego Nope, nope, nope. That's why I only swim in pools. If I can't see the bottom, I ain't goin' in.

@KKGator In pools you can always be guaranteed of X amount of pee in them

@zorialoki Not the one I use.

Right?! When you have your own...?

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