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Captnron59 9 May 26
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Snitches get stitches

Rudy1962 Level 9 May 27, 2018

I'm In,How much?

Coldo Level 8 May 27, 2018

If someone were to constantly post things I found offensive I would block them, not an angry blocking but rather just as a way to adjust my settings so I won’t see their posts. That is if I were offended. The way I actually role is if I don’t like something I don’t click like and move along... I always vote for free speech 🙂



phxbillcee Level 10 May 27, 2018

Some people just like being the party pooper & if they don't like it, they think nobody should either. The world doesn't revolve around you, if you don't like something, just scroll on & shut the fuck up.


No doubt, I find it greatly disturbing considering we are all adults. If you are offended move the fuck on, nobody is forcing you to look and it is your choice to be offended

zorialoki Level 8 May 27, 2018

The beatings shall commence until morale improves!

Markus Level 7 May 26, 2018



I was banned from FB for 30 days ,for posting an anti Islam meme, in an atheist group....

For some people, the oppressed can never be criticized even when wrong.

I lost my whole profile in a "no crybabies" adult sexually related group for a meme I posted. I thought the crybaby should have been kicked out, but I got locked out of my whole profile-forever



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