So next time hoppint onto a helicopter.. note to self: Make sure the fucking jesus nut is in tip top shape.
I wonder what its slang name is in non-christian dominated countries
Mohammad’s blade handle. ?
@Markus you might think so, but Muslims don't pray to Mohammed. Allah's nut maybe?
You don’t say? I was going for that filthy warlords blade.?
@Markus my neurosurgeon is Muslim. Maybe you would like his blade better
So is my Doctor. Your surgeon can operate on me anytime as long as he’s not a fundamentalist Sharia supporter who bags his wife. But, you probably already knew that. He can’t help that he is deluded. Diplomacy is preferred, but for me, a measured dose of ridicule is necessary to highlight the absurdity of the religious dogma. Tolerance goes only so far.
@Markus ridicule is not part of my path.
I can appreciate that.
I hope they’ve built some redundancy in to that part.
Haha nope. There isn't really a way to do that. They probably just inspect the crap out if it, and replace it at regular intervals
@CraeftSmith yep
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