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I ran into this a couple weeks ago.

MichelleGar1 9 Aug 12
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It is still that way in parts of the south!!!

Still the other side of the tracks mentality!!!

Get fifty miles away from the big towns and cities you have the them way of life nothing lower than them!!!

@of-the-mountain People suck so bad! There's no reason to be a racist!

Your a racist for even stating that!!!

@of-the-mountain What I meant is racist's suck and there's no reason for them to be that stupid, we're all human beings.....

You need to learn to state what you mean, so others do not misinterpreted what you are stating!!!

I did not or was able to comprehend what you meant!

Now I do, thank you!!!

@of-the-mountain You also need to learn how not to call someone a racist if you didn't understand what that person is trying to say. Texting like this causes so much miscommunication. It happens and I don't hold grudges for it.

You're welcome!


It is another way to stereotype. Unfortunately the media does that. Yes, there are racism in every angle; but once it is always labelled, people feel entitled to that position and defend themselves with it.
I guess it is not much different than when a religious person uses the same excuse to an atheist when arguing something religious.

Zoohome Level 8 Aug 21, 2020

@Zoohome True! I have seen here in my neighborhood domestic abuse and some neighbor's are afraid to report it because of the fear of deportation.

I called the police the last time I heard one neighbor beating his wife. It's sad that people are afraid of doing the right thing and getting deported.

@MichelleGar1 very sad

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Posted by michelle666garLMAO!!!! 😂😂😂😂

Posted by HankHunter13light my fire

Posted by HankHunter13long hair

Posted by HankHunter13Same Difference

Posted by HankHunter13The Invisible Man

Posted by HankHunter13Nailed it

Posted by HankHunter13you're saved

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Merry princemass, solstice festivals of lights, and all of my purple life.

Posted by HankHunter13"no, you cannot possess me." -judy tenuda

Posted by HankHunter13but there's more of us than them

Posted by MichelleGar1This is a truth, I will never understand why some of us believe in religions that were forced on us!

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