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When I grew up in the 1060's it was very controversial for a caucazoid to befriend an African descended person. Culturally we were separated tho our high school was integrated. I had many black friends & so many were from the south or their parents were. Few had pets. Few liked animals. Most were afraid of dogs. Few had a dog & the dog was treated with either contempt or ignored except for food & water. I understand the history of dogs & the police attacks, & hunting dogs were kept outside in the south. Here is the rewarding transition I see all of these years later. Black folks have dogs & cats & the ones I speak with love them, have them in the house & their children love them as well. You see it on TV also. They are family. There is still a problem in some urban areas of children growing up being cruel to animals. But we have made such progress & I so enjoy seeing the love between a dog & its human. Mr. Bo Jangles had a dog who traveled around with him. "The dog up & died. After 20 years he still grieved." Thoughts anyone?

Mooolah 8 June 18
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Posted by michelle666garLMAO!!!! 😂😂😂😂

Posted by HankHunter13light my fire

Posted by HankHunter13long hair

Posted by HankHunter13Same Difference

Posted by HankHunter13The Invisible Man

Posted by HankHunter13Nailed it

Posted by HankHunter13you're saved

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Diego Rivera, Noam Chomsky, Sarah Silverman, Freedom From Religion.

Posted by HankHunter13Merry princemass, solstice festivals of lights, and all of my purple life.

Posted by HankHunter13"no, you cannot possess me." -judy tenuda

Posted by HankHunter13but there's more of us than them

Posted by MichelleGar1This is a truth, I will never understand why some of us believe in religions that were forced on us!

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