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585 mass shootings to date 2022
11 since November 1, 2022
The deadliest of those 11 was in La Plata, Maryland. All 5 victims died.

The largest number of victims, 9. In Philly this past Friday. All victims expected to live.


(Chicago had a mass shooting on Halloween. 14 victims, 1 died in hospital. I only bring that up to emphasize how the violence has moved nationwide. Chicago gun violence is down 16% from last year. 13% drop off 2020 numbers. This is incidents and deaths. Both numbers have been steadily declining since 2019. The worst year for him violence since the 1990s. Which was spawned by Biden's 1994 crime bill.)


SeaGreenEyez 9 Nov 6
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How sad that mass shootings are so common that no one feels shocked anymore. Human life has little to no value.

Betty Level 8 Nov 6, 2022

I see the NRA as having a lot to answer for. The same goes for all those venal politicians that accepted blood money from the NRA.

@anglophone The problem is the NRA is protected with the laws, regulations, and policies that those same venal politicians put into place in return for the blood money. They don't care as long as they don't suffer consequences.


A gun: a means of self-expression. I am a dangerous psychopath, and by the right of free speech I can express myself by engaging in mass shootings. The sound of all those screams and the sight of all that blood and all those dead and dying bodies gives me great pleasure.

A gun in the hands of opportunists is a means of power. The threat of injury and or death gets them what they want. The NRA seem to think that it is "just fine", as long as more guns are sold and the profits stay high.


Who needs a civil war. We will kill ourselves bit by bit. I think when people see these numbers it will make them go out and buy a gun and only add to the carnage.


Gun is just a tool what we really need is some sanity and teach respect for one another. It wasn't that long ago that most cars in the high school parking lot had a gun in it and no one was shot

Oldman51 Level 7 Nov 6, 2022

A tool to what ends. In most of the 'real' civilized world it's a lot harder to get a gun and guess what!? No mass shootings. The comments holds no water.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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