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LINK Search for Texas vigilante who fatally shot robbery suspect carrying fake gun | Texas | The Guardian


He shot him, walked over to him, shot him more, picked up the burglar's gun and realized it was not real. He yells obscenities, throws the fake gun, flees the scene.

He's lawyered up and has yet to speak to the police.

This is not the world I want to live in/on. I'm just as over the vigilante mentality as I am the gun violence. To each their own, but I'm just exhausted from all the guns and killing. And I'm over the debate about safe, sane gun laws. The guns won. We've all lost.

SeaGreenEyez 9 Jan 9
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What he did was totally illegal. After he shot the guy and he was down wounded on the ground the man still went up to him and shot him more. That is what should get him arrested and sent to prison. But of course we know this is Texass so nothing will happen to him.😡


Where guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns. Think about that because you know it is true. What we need is sanity control that is what this country really needs. Free metal health on almost every street corner.

Oldman51 Level 7 Jan 10, 2023

No you just need to look south of our border as Mexico has some of the strictest gun laws but the cartel has no problem obtaining all the guns they want.


You are correct - the guns won, society lost.
A country that fatalistically but blithley accepts the ongoing murder of school children,
a country of Alex Jones and Kyle Rittenhouse,
a country of covert and open carry permits . . .

  • as the song says:
    "if you've not been hit by flying lead, you better close your eyes,
    bow your head,
    wait for the ricochet".
johan17 Level 5 Jan 9, 2023

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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