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My trying to understand the other side has toy unraveled. I have had to leave the conservative atheist group because skies pitched a bitch. That woman hates my guts and I don't have a clue why, I don't want spike talon to get in trouble the way I did so I'll be keeping a low profile over there until she cools down. I wasn't getting anywhere anyway, neither side is willing to budge an inch. I don't want to do this forever and they are just as entrenched on their side as we are on our side, I don't know what we are going to do. Right now I think we concentrate on booting as many Republicans out of DC as we possibly can.

MikeFlora 7 June 14
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I see it as a matter of pragmatism, whatever works. With the number of shootings and deaths pragmatism is not on their side and they are in deep denial. This site is supposed to be about critical thinking yet a large number are stuck inside their lead lined boxes and refuse to question. I have just finished reading a book "How to Think". One phrase I read was: "One must be the kind of person who, at least sometimes, cares more about working toward the truth than about their current social position; working toward the truth is one of life's greatest pleasures. A man's reach should exceed his grasp". I finally decided, a couple of decades ago that is what I wanted and a lot of my beliefs are not popular even among us "liberals". Unfortunately the author, Alan Jacobs, is a professor of Baylor University (based in Wac(k )o Tx. It is a religious school and a lot of comments in the book were about C.S. Lewis and Thomas Aquinas. I kept thinking where was this guys practicing what he preached?

JackPedigo Level 9 June 14, 2018

I see your point about rigid people on both the right wing and left wing sides. I roll my eyes at the conservatives, but also have run into leftists who are judgmental, rigid, arrogant, self righteous, etc. Back in the 80's and 90's I dated a Republican ... I was unhappy with his voting record, but he was nice to me, treated me like a princess. There were lefties who judged me for this.


I visit the site frequently and trust me you're doing the right thing. Whenever I read the stuff on conservative atheist I always feel like I need to take a shower. Face it ,the two sides are mortal enemies of one another.
that's the way the world is now and there's nothing that could be done to change it. There is not one member of that group that wouldn't kill their own kids to secure their second amendment rights. Killing machines just mean that much to them.

Kojaksmom Level 8 June 14, 2018

It wasn't the right thing, it was the only thing, didn't have much say in it.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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