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Just found out my son’s high school will be allowing teachers to carry guns and he doesn’t feel safe with teachers carrying guns. I’m just glad I’m close enough to the next town’s high school and they aren’t allowing the teachers to carry guns. Just hope I can get him in there. If I can’t, guess he’ll be doing school online.

LauraUU 6 June 20
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I would get all parents together that are against it and either call the aclu, or find private attourneys that will look at this case and consider suing the Board of Education/Texas School Board, and lean on them hard about it, show up in groups of 3 to 6 and demand ACTION on it. Gun policy is a National issue, don't tet them give you that "Texas" bullshit, and drop some of that Parkland stuff on them.

Who are these people that are so disconnected that they can be teaching a kid math one minute, and then shooting them the next? Who are the nutcases that promote that? Im not from there, but no way would my kid be in there.

rafferty Level 6 June 26, 2018

That’s frightening, Laura. Not a well thought out policy. How many students does it take to disarm a teacher?

Do you think you’ll change schools?


Stupidest idea ever. When the SWAT team comes snipers gonna shoot anyone holding a gun.

NJSnarky Level 6 June 22, 2018

Update: The other school district doesn’t allow out of district students to attend. He only has 2 more years left and was taking advanced placement classes, so I’m going to research him getting his GED and starting community college. He’ll be 17 in September, so he might have to miss a semester but it will be much better. BTW, he would like all guns to go away while I just want better regulations.

LauraUU Level 6 June 21, 2018

Maybe that would be a good start. If enough parents and students complain the schools might take another look at this 'program'.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 21, 2018

They aren’t listening. My husband even pointed out that if anything happens, every board member that voted for it will be personally libel and can be sued.


Good for you. I wouldn't allow my kids to go to a hs where any staff can carry guns. Take a stand. I support you!


They took a poll and about 60% were ok with teachers carrying guns and they say no one will know who’s carrying. Ha! I bet within a week every kid in school will know which teachers are packing heat. And this will be at the elementary schools, too. This is small town Bible Belt Texas.
I subbed in the district a few years ago and there was this one girl in first grade that was down right scary. Just the way her eyes looked was scary. If I believed in souls, I’d say there wasn’t one behind those eyes.
The day I watched her she cut her hair and dumped out the trash can in the middle of the floor “because it was getting too full” 3 times. I hope none of her teachers carry guns because I could just see her taking the gun and shooting her classmates “because the classroom was too full.”

LauraUU Level 6 June 21, 2018

When I went to school, if the teachers were armed they would probably use the guns on each other. The squabbles between teachers were some of the highlights of high school.

GuyKeith Level 8 June 21, 2018

I was a teacher for 6 years and I think that’s why they get the 3 months off. If they didn’t, it wouldn’t be called “going postal” but “educating the public”

@LauraUU There was a running feud between the Biology Teacher (a coach) and the Algebra Teacher. They were in separate buildings that were perpendicular to each other. Due to the angle of the sun in the Fall, and the fact that there was no A/C and the windows were open, the windows would at certain times of the day, reflect a glare into each other's classroom. Instead of working it out like adults, they waged an all-out WAR on each other try to blind each other with the reflections. There was a lot more, but I won't go into it here. As students, we were amused.


Oh my, that is so ridiculous. I sure hope you can get him into another school. What are the teachers saying about this? If I were a teacher there I'd be looking for another job.


I believe that online is best, anyway

In many ways yes but he needs the social skills schools give. He’s a geeks like me. Just glad he was always big for his age so he was never really bullied (he was 5 foot 7 inches when he finished 5th grade (11 years old). He’s now 16 and is just shy of 6 foot.


Arming Teachers!!

Coldo Level 8 June 21, 2018

Our fucking country... I'm sorry your child is going through this.

kmdskit3 Level 8 June 21, 2018

Teachers are paid to well... teach! If there is a matter of life or death situation, most people don't know how to handle it. Do you happen to know if they went through any training? In the Military ou go through 10 weeks of training. About 2 weeks of that is nothing but at the range. Maybe it's just a scare tactic to prevent mass shootings?

I went through Basic Training.Then With Special Forces.Teachers Should NEVER Be Armed!! They Could Not Handle Being In A Situation Like A School Shooting.They Are There To Teach!


Texas is so ass backwards.

nvrnuff Level 8 June 20, 2018

I don't blame him. I'm not comfortable with that either. First they need to satisfactorily answer these questions for me.

Which teachers get guns?
Where will the guns be stored?
Who decides when guns can be brandished?
What penalties will apply if teachers mishandle a weapon?
Will teachers volunteer for gun duty?
Can teachers refuse it?
Who will audit their adherence to regulations?
Will students know which teachers have weapons?
Who will be liable if the teacher with the gun becomes the shooter?
What will be the consequences when students are accidentally shot by a teacher?
How will armed teachers communicate in a tactical situation?
Will teachers with a history of mental illness be allowed to use weapons?
Will teachers be required to disclose any history of mental illness?
Will teachers be issued a weapon? Reimbursed for purchase? For ammunition?
How will administrators conduct non-weapon-related discipline against a teacher?
Will there be armed assistance available to deter workplace shootings?
Who will shepherd the armed teacher’s classroom while the teacher is attempting to locate the active shooter?
What happens when a teacher misidentifies a student as a threat in good faith?
Will teachers who do not carry lethal weapons be offered non lethal alternatives?
If an armed teacher is shot, can another teacher employ his or her weapon?
How will armed teachers identify themselves to arriving first responders?
Will armed teachers be required to learn how to give first-response medicine?
Will armed teachers be required to attempt an arrest before using lethal force? Under what circumstances?
Will proficiency training on weapons count for teachers’ continuing education and professional development?
How will insurers adjust health and other rates to account for the presence of armed employees?
Will teachers receive additional pay for being armed?
how often will armed teachers be re-evaluated for licensing purposes?
Will armed teachers leading field trips deposit their weapons in a personally owned vehicle or school-owned transport?
Will one teacher per wing of a school building receive weapons? Two? Three?
Exactly which standards will count for proficiency—greater than a big-city police department, State Police, FBI, hobbyist, marksman?
In training scenarios, how will using force against innocents be penalized?
Will racial sensitivity courses be required?
Do parents have a right to refuse to send their kids to schools with guns?
Will students have to sign waivers? Will parents? What if a parent signs a waiver for a minor student who, when that student turns 18, refuses to abide by its provisions?
Will teachers on probation be allowed to carry weapons?
What about teachers with active union grievances? Complaints about sexual harassment? Anger management? Divorce proceedings?
Will armed teachers wear holsters?
Will they be stationed strategically during pep rallies or other gatherings?
Will they participate in lockdown drills as if they were armed or unarmed?
Will funding for the policies outlined above be distributed according to local budgets, statewide formulas, or national formulas?
Will schools in high-risk neighborhoods receive more or less funding? Suburban schools?
What is the right ratio of armed:unarmed teachers by grade level?
What is the procedure for debriefing and assessing armed teachers’ performance during a crisis?
Can an armed teacher who flinches be fired? Can an armed teacher who breaks protocol be rewarded?
Will preschool teachers have guns?
Will teachers in “juvie” (high risk) schools have guns?
Will the teacher or the school be liable if their gun is stolen?
Can administrators carry weapons? Can they do so in disciplinary situations?

@Faithless1 If they can answer all these questions to my satisfaction, I would take it into consideration. The chances that can be done are slim, but it would given me information to consider and make a more informed decision. Without it, the answer is flat out no.

They had a meeting about it. My husband (my son’s stepfather) went and said it was good I didn’t go. I’d have gotten mad. He’s a former Naval officer so he knows about guns and doesn’t want them in the school either.


Oh my.... such a hard be a parent in this environment. What the iffin' fuck happened to this nation?


If enough parents boycott it can send a message. Can you organize a boycott?

dare2dream Level 7 June 20, 2018
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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