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I haven't said anything about this until I was sure it was real.
Anybody here like to debate Spike Talon's pro 2nd amendment group about gun control.
I need two people to start with to make sure this is going to work before we open it up to more people.
This is a straight up debate, gun control v gun rights
No hurling insults or sarcastic reply's
I will be one and I need 2 volunteers
Let me know if you are interested

MikeFlora 7 June 23
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I am not quick witted enough but I would think a good place to start is with the 2nd amendment itself. I have read it numerous times and really don’t see how they get from the actual words to what they think it says.

LouLou Level 4 June 29, 2018

I'd pop in and out where I feel like it. It might be interesting to discuss certain points, but I probably won't be a daily poster in such a debate. Though if we did have a debate, it would have to be a genuine one, with rules and moderation in place to prevent shit posting and ad hominems.

Katrik Level 7 June 24, 2018

It's a pro 2nd amendment group not a conservative group

@MikeFlora yes, I’m aware.


Don't pick me. I got banned for asking for clarification on a post. Literally, when you say "X" do you mean this or that...and banned from another conservative group without ever knowing there was one...and I'm not impolite and don't even troll!!


And what would be the point of this debate?Is there a moderator who poses the questions or just a free for all?

nvrnuff Level 8 June 23, 2018

Moderator, straight up debate, no bullshit hurling insults or anything else.
I will be there too

@MikeFlora I would hope not in a for real debate


I'll provide the color commentary. 🙂

GinaKay Level 7 June 23, 2018

Does that mean you are interested?

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