5 3

One of the things I found out while hanging out with the other side, they do NOT want anybody to know what kind or how many guns they have, or what they do with them. They don't want to prove responsibility before they get a gun, we're just supposed to take their word for it, that they know what they are doing. Banning any firearms is punishing law abiding citizens. Some of them think they should have access to the same weapons law enforcement has. They would rather carry a gun than feel safe in their community. In general they want to have as many, and what ever kind of gun they want, and carry them wherever they want. without any oversight, or limitations.

This is generalizations not all pro gun people want this

MikeFlora 7 July 1
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  1. The state police know, my purchases are registered, and it's nobody else's business.
  2. I have take pride in being responsible and in proving it. I've taken extensive training and further I'm in law enforcement. I feel anyone who is licensed for carry should be trained to similar standards first.
  3. Firearms can be banned based on what they do, but too many want to ban them because they look scary.
  4. See points 2 and 3. Law enforcement has access to all kinds of weapons, let's be specific. I don't want tear gas or door breachers, but I would like to own an AR someday to remember my days in the Army. It's a heck of a rifle.
  5. I feel safe in my community because I carry a gun. Average 911 response time is 11 minutes. That's a time to wait if my life or someone else's is on the line.
  6. You're absolutely right with your last statement, that you're making generalizations- so why conclude with a sweeping and over-the-top generalization? Oversight is inherent in the process of carrying firearms, and any responsible gun owner knows this. The vast majority of gun owners are responsible gun owners.
  7. I carry no water for the NRA. Their leadership are NOT responsible gun owners, they're jackasses.
Paul4747 Level 8 July 5, 2018

This is my group and I don't have to explain anything to anybody. It only takes one idiot gun owner to cause major damage. Last week a kid found a loaded gun in a couch in a Ikea store and fired it, fortunately nobody was hurt. That's why I am not going to just take your word for it that you are responsible and I really don't give a rat's whether you or anybody else likes it or not.

@MikeFlora You ignored my point. I have demonstrated it to the satisfaction of the state licensing authority and my department, repeatedly. I don't know your credentials, but I don't think they override my state. I see now that you're not interested in hearing anyone else in this debate, so I have no interest in you.


If you can't negotiate with someone you just go around them. Too bad for them.

dare2dream Level 7 July 2, 2018

Sounds like an addiction to me. It has been shown this can and often does happen.

JackPedigo Level 9 July 2, 2018

How do you negotiate with that mentality? I have been dealing with people that think it's OK to put kids in cages and I'm ready to lose my mind. I hate to say this but both of those groups are a different breed than me.

You don't, While I was there I tried everything I could, and they wouldn't give up one bullet

@MikeFlora There is no talking. It is a wall. We don't need to build a wall across Mexico, there already is Another Brick in the Wall between the 2 sides in our country

@AmelieMatisse They're going to have to come up with something, I'm not giving in.


And you wonder why I don't want to debate them?

nvrnuff Level 8 July 1, 2018
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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Posted by Tejas

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Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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