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I told the people that sent me the message about the scammer, that we don't block people, we tear them to pieces, and they go away on their own. They sent me this message

and FWIW, actually, if you guys like messing with them, what would really help us out is someone to play dumb and let them think they have one on the line, talk to them, try to get them to incriminate​ themselves​ OR give up a phone number, email, or other contact info. we will add stuff like that to our database to try to help identify recidivist​s and MAYBE (hopefully?) bring a real-life hammer down on them.

Any body interested? I'm in

MikeFlora 7 Feb 8
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Please remember malware!
They can leave stuff behind on a computer or a smart phone.

So ask someone who knows tech if you don't.

Whatever you decide.

RavenCT Level 9 Feb 12, 2019

Interesting idea, but it could backfire on you though. Some scammers are truly dimwitted, while others are more clever. These days it's all too easy to create burner phone numbers and email addresses, you may think you have someone on the hook, but they may very well be double playing you. Your choice though, personally speaking I block known scammers and do not communicate with them at all. Another idea would be to report such individuals to the federal authorities. Like I said though, your choice in the end.

SpikeTalon Level 9 Feb 12, 2019

I think we need to specify between trolls and scammers. I'm talking more about trolls, and you guys are talking about scammers, and I don't know why I would be calling or dealing with someone in a group beyond this right here. I didn't read their message that close when I posted it. I see now we are talking about two entirely different things.

@MikeFlora You mentioned scammer above in this post...

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