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I'm thinking, maybe holding people who sell guns to people that are not supposed to have them accountable for what they do with them. This last guy was a convicted felon, yet he was allowed to buy the gun he used to kill 5 and wound a bunch more.

The 2nd amendment will never be repealed, to complicated a process, so holding gun owners and gun sellers accountable for what happens when their guns are used in commission of a felony. You don't want to give up your firearms fine, but you better be sure you keep tight control of it. If it gets into the hands of someone, for whatever reason, and they commit a crime with it, you're going to jail with them.

MikeFlora 7 Feb 16
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Proving indirect liability is very difficult. If someone steals your vehicle and uses it to commit a crime, you would never be considered an accessory to that crime, at least not anywhere in the English-speaking world.

Artstan Level 5 Feb 17, 2019

A car is not designed to kill, guns are.

@MikeFlora I doubt that distinction would impress a judge. It is always about intent, not the design or original purpose of the weapon.

Actually you can get it impounded

@MikeFlora True, but still a long way from an accessory conviction.


I Disagree with you on the 2nd amendment Bullshit but that is Just Me... you can repeat a Lie over and over and over... still is not the Truth.

My reasoning is not about what the second amendment says, it's about how hard it is to repeal a amendment. It has to pass both houses and not by a simple majority, it has to be 2/3 majority. After that it has to be ratified by same 2/3 or 38 states. You are never going to get that many people agree on anything.


The well regulated part of the amendment needs to be promoted and expanded and the NRA needs to go into bankruptcy.

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 16, 2019

I totally agree. Particularly when it comes to parents that have no control over their children. If your kid steals a gun and kills his classmates the parents should be held responsible for the same charge.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Feb 16, 2019
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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