6 2

Got banned from the pro gun rights group. Not sure why. Because I don't support the NRA? I support gunrights for responsible friearm owners. Hell, I bought 7 this year alone! I am not as troll. I post the same articles on both groups. I just like hearing both sides. There are some on here that want everything banned. There are others that want everything legal. There is no realistic reason to own an m-240, m-134, a Browning 50 Cal, or an m-1 (not to be confused with the m1a). I know we all want the world to be safer, but if we want to be like the UK or Canada, it will take centuries. Switzerland has more firearms per capita than the us. However, you need to go through a series of tests. Get so much as a couple speeding tickets,they take your firearm.

TheGreatShadow 9 Sep 2
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You got banned from the pro gun rights group?

Yes I did.


Two corrections. #1. If we want to be like the UK or Canada it could happen right away with a change in congress.
#2. The US has 120 guns per 100 civilians. Switzerland has 27 per 100 citizens. []

That's private owners. Most have to join the Swiss army, and required to. Have a firearm.


If I spoke my mind I'd probably be banned also . I like to see how the other side thinks . I believe in the future things won't be as rosy as they are now and don't have a lot of faith in a sheriffs dept that has a turnover rate like Micky Ds . Totally against the NRA totally for the 2nd ammendment and reasonable gun laws .

Besalbub Level 8 Sep 3, 2019

And the Violin Played On...


It would not take centuries to be like Canada. You could do it in a generation, maybe less.

Sticks48 Level 9 Sep 3, 2019

Something has to give .

GEGR Level 7 Sep 3, 2019

Please elaborate.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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