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"Counter protesters" show up heavily armed to confront unarmed and peaceful protesters - mostly teenagers. Seems they have to "protect themselves" from the protesters. Kudos to the kids who stand up to them with humor rather than rage.

Look, guys - I'm a gun owner, and I support the 2nd amendment AND reasonable control of access to guns. But this shit is over the top and makes you look like fookin' eedjits.

And by the by, doesn't using a weapon to intimidate and coerce compliance to a particular political viewpoint meet the legal definition of terrorism?

matthew1954 7 Mar 25
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kmdskit3 Level 8 Mar 26, 2018

of the first order




They were there to cause a confrontation that would turn a peaceful protest into a riot

MikeFlora Level 7 Mar 25, 2018

The people are so paranoid they see problems everywhere. This fear and paranoia is one reason there is such a big problem.

I also support the 2nd amendment; the part about "a well regulated militia"! The supreme court also stated the amendment did not preclude regulations.

JackPedigo Level 9 Mar 25, 2018

My favorite thing about gun owners is the fact that owning a gun makes it more likely you get shot not less. It's like drinking to prevent cirrhosis of the liver.

Welsh_dude Level 4 Mar 25, 2018

I have a gun, inherited it, don’t want it! Don’t want to sell it and I have doubts as to if the police would trully destroy it... was my dads and it was registered so what I want to know is why the authorities aren’t asking where it is? Another way a gun ends up being in the wrong hands and untraceable... I may just destroy it myself for YT...


Good to see that responsible gun owners DIDN'T shoot at students and WEREN'T responsible for mass murder like the left claims they are.

But wait, that doesn't fit the anti-gun narrative... I guess we should just insult them, that way we can make them the bad guys.


Lancer Level 7 Mar 25, 2018

If you don't support gun laws you are part of the problem. The gun community is responsible for the guns they let get to criminals and the mentally insane. Not wanting any laws to prevent that makes you responsible. Guns are not like drugs, they are too costly to make for criminals to manufacture them.


I love that argument. No matter how many times I hear it, it never ceases to amaze me how narrow minded it is.

So if I build a car and a mad man drives it through the markets and kills 30 people. I am responsible?

Or if I sell someone a box of matches and some fire-starter, I'm responsible for the arson attack that killed 50 people?

This argument has no basis, blaming the law abiding for the crimes of the criminals is ludicrous.

Criminals can easily manufacture guns, how the hell do you think the US arms terrorist groups?


Don't kid yourself, the criminals will ALWAYS find ways to get guns. Just look at the drug cartels in Mexico. Guns are heavily regulated in Mexico, why do only criminals have them?

Try educating yourself on guns before arguing against them.


@Lancer If we had no safety regulations and no licensing then your comparison to cars would make sense. But since we do require regulations to drive cars then it makes little sense to compare cars to guns. Cars are not made to specifically kill and they are used daily by the average American to make a living. That is also not true for the gun community.

The issue starts with the fact that it is 10 times more likely for an individual to be killed by a gun in the US compared to other high income countries:


The difference being those countries have gun laws and the US doesn't.

While I know gun owners like to play the victim when it comes to having a discussion about gun laws. The mothers and fathers that have to wonder what life their son or daughter would of lead are suffering far greater than you would having to pass a background checks and attend safety training or face a fine and/or possible jail time.

I wish you would just be honest. People like you do not care about other American lives if it means you have to pass a background check and attend safety training. To put it more plainly, you are a bad person, a coward, and a cry baby. People have to live with the unnecessary death of mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughter and you can't even handle simple regulations to own a gun.

Yes the criminals will always find a way to get them. The gun is just a tool. Without that tool we will always be at the mercy of the criminals. Hell Mike Flora doesn’t even believe the 2nd amendment gives private citizens the right to own guns so therefore he doesn’t even belief we have a right to defend ourselves.

Ima just put this right here - Maryland ban of 45 "assault" weapons upheld. And rightfully so, in my opinion.


Lets be honest here. You don't care about the number of dead either, if you did then your first objective would be to ban hand guns which are used in over 90% of gun related homicides. You and I are the same in that regard.

There are already regulations on guns, that's why I don't understand why you think we need more. Just get the police to enforce the current laws and there won't be any problem. Also trying to get the police and sheriff's deputies to protect the lives of the innocent is probably a good start. Guns in the hands of a coward do nothing, I'd prefer to have the ability to protect my own life.

Also that link you sent was a dead end. It didn't work.

Also creating more criminals out of law abiding citizens by changing the gun laws will NOT reduce gun violence, it'll increase it.

Just think for a moment why the founding fathers of the US wrote the 2nd amendment into the constitution. If you think it was so that people would be defenseless then you're sorely mistaken

@Lancer See now I have a hard time believing you are worth the conversation. You simply
repeat claims back to me like a child. The idea that because I do not support specifically a handgun ban the US Supreme Court declared unconstitutional must mean I care just as little as someone that wants no laws at all is not logical. You have what is called a few inconvenient truth to confront.

Gun possession makes it more likely you get shot.

For every 1 time a gun is used in self defense it is used 22 times in a homicide, assault, suicide attempt, or accidental shooting.

American it is 10 times more likely to get shot than in other wealthy national because of no guns laws.

Regulating gun deals reduce guns to crimnals by 64%

You need a gun just like a child needs a binky. The only problem that comes from you not having a gun is you cry about it. Another thing you should consider is the fact that members of the US military refused to follow orders because they thought Obama was from Kenya. You really think they are going to shoot and kill American civilians without second thought? And if so you think you can take on the greatest military force know to man? If you want to consider what the founding fathers thought regarding guns you can only have muskets and cannon balls then.


First, calling my arguments childish doesn't improve your own.

Second, if gun suicides go down then other methods go up. That's normal and uncontrollable.

Third, the American military has been lied to, abused and led to their deaths because politicians lied to them and indoctrinated them. Libya, Iraq, Vietnam, etc. Tyrannical leadership have already committed atrocities, the CIA has tried and succeeded in killing American civilians for telling the truth about the corrupt government angencies.

Forth, yes the American military is well equipped and well trained. But they can be outmanuvered by the enemy and their rules of engagement make it difficult to fight the enemy who doesn't have any rules to abide by.

There's a saying in the western world. "How many wars has America won?" "2, the American revolution and the civil war". Implying they pulled most of their forces out of Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Even though there were still enemy forces present in those areas.

Also if a civilian is an American citizen then they are within their rights to own any firearm. Even if it has to be semi-automatic, having it is the main thing.

Because it serves the purpose of deterring the government forces from attacking.


That is so audaciously arrogant it's hilarious. It's also incredibly stupid and ignorant and is putting even more children in "harm's way" just to try to intimidate his viewpoint onto a venue that has him literally swimming in an ocean of peaceful, thoughtful people bent on showing him how impertinent and ineffectual his viewpoint is.

SamL Level 7 Mar 25, 2018



This aggressive behavior by gun owners only makes the regulationist point. Just like with the civil rights movement

Gripster31 Level 5 Mar 25, 2018

Had a contingent at the Phoenix rally, too!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 25, 2018

What were they hoping to accomplish?

@Merrydelight To teach us how wrong we were to want any regulation & that the only way to stop a bad man with a gun is a good guy with a gun...same old, same old!

@Seeker55 The armed protesters


I hope this meme with little pecker man goes viral



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