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Who are the Bullies?

Francoise 6 Apr 1
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kmdskit3 Level 8 Apr 2, 2018

Good tactics. Rather than use facts the left use emotion.
To be honest you just can't beat emotion, it gets everyone on your side and makes them complacent so they don't ask questions or look up facts that disagree with their perspective.

Lancer Level 7 Apr 2, 2018

This needs to be said to the gun supporters. The left uses words and pictures and the right uses people's lives. The left would die for their beliefs and the right would kill for theirs!

The conservatives openly ask for equal coverage of this issue. They can't get onto the liberal mass media news stations because of the liberal disarmament agenda. So once the left actually wants to hear an opinion that isn't it's own, they can look for a conservative.

The left uses words, pictures and ANTIFA attacks on colleges and on the streets. They are an anarchist movement as far as I'm concerned from what I've seen of them. The left wing extremists say they'll do "whatever it takes" to "stop Nazi's" when they don't even understand the definition of the word.

The right don't want to kill, they just want to be able to protect themselves and their families from bad people who would do them harm. That's normal. What's not normal is wanting to disarm everyone and make more victims, to increase the number of homicides every year. That's a self destructive society right there. I know that western nations have a limited amount of time left before either it rises up or is crushed by it's own weakness. So I don't really care that much. Self-destructive societies have risen and fallen for centuries.

@Lancer You don't live in this country and only see things second hand. I have been involved in these issues longer than you have been alive. I am NOT the typical liberal and question what I see are emotional reactions. In this country the conservatives are about loyalty, guns, God and the way things (supposedly) were done in the past. I will not give a second thought to when I hear unsubstantiated hype.

Chill mate. I already said a long time ago, my opinion on this issue isn't important. I just offer the perspective of someone who sees violence in a country without as much gun ownership.

I have no problem with you or your political beliefs. I just don't like when some people want to infringe on the rights of others. If you want to live without a gun then that's fine. But don't impose that on others.

@Lancer I see the problem with that is that sometimes other's beliefs seriously infringe on others. The gun issue is a clear case in point. Thousands dying so that some have unimpeded rights to own weapons of death. Again, we have complex issues being simplified for the benefit of some.

Thousands of people have been killed by bombs, nuclear weapons, tsunamis, earth quakes, volcanoes, knives, chemicals, etc. That's life, it's easily lost. People still live on the coast, next to volcanoes and along fault lines. They know they could die but they just get on with life anyway. That's what everyone else does so why are guns any different? That was a joke, chill. (but true)

Basically the US has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children during their indiscriminate bombings of nations such as Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc. Don't you think this is just karma for the sins of your government? Also a joke. (but true)

Truthfully, people who don't understand the purpose of the 2nd amendment shouldn't be allowed to change it. If those people don't like America then they should leave, Australia would happily accept you along with our thousands of species of spiders, snakes, sharks, crocodiles and worst of all politicians. Just move, that's what people have been doing since the dawn of time. Also some rights are worth dying for, that's why people fight to defend their countries.

Yes it's a complex issue, so it won't be solved by just banning guns. Try enforcing the current laws and you'll find that most of them will work as long as the good people report the mental illness of their children to the state and the state reports it to the federal database.


Folks have started calling bullies the Alpha males. No. No! Alphas are not bullies. They're bullies and nothing more.

You just brout a point to my mind.... AlphaBetas. I wonder if knowing to read and write is a requirement to own a gun... just wondering!



Rudy1962 Level 9 Apr 1, 2018




BeeHappy Level 9 Apr 1, 2018

Ain't us!

MikeFlora Level 7 Apr 1, 2018
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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