7 15

"If Jews had guns there wouldn't have been a holocaust" you're now victim blaming. You are telling Jews that it is THEIR fault that they were not able to rebel against a GIANT GLOBAL POWER that came very close to global domination better with fucking handguns, than the Ally forces with tanks and bombs. Now not only are you an ignorant asshole, but an anti-semetic asshole.

Just wanted to get that off my chest.

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Apr 8
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That argument is asinine from the first word. But then again, most arguments with a NRA bias are as well.

nvrnuff Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

It's the usual crap as if having a gun makes on invincible! How many people like cops have been shot by others? Often having a gun makes one a target. We still hear the insanity about thes militias thinking they can hold off a national army. How many Jews were there against the might of the German army? How many other powerful nations did it take years of fighting to beat the Nazi's?? These people are literally brain dead.

We STILL nearly lost! half the world against Germany and we STILL BARELY WON yet all of these UNTRAINED Jews should have stopped them

@LadyAlyxandrea It seems history and reality is something these gun addicts are incapable of understanding!


GUNS…who needs them? 2018 is the return of the Wild West. For movie buffs, the graphic demonstration of maintaining Law and Order was exciting on the silver screen, but in real life; the balance of Gun Power is in the hands of the masses, not law enforcement. If that makes one feel secure, so be it, however; only stable, responsible individuals should have weapons. The need for rapid-fire weapons belongs to the military, not the public. I believe a gun owner needs to commit to an annual mental profile assessment and license fee of not less than $50.00 per gun each year. To get ammunition, the gun owner must show his annual test results, valid license, and have a waiting period of 3 days before obtaining the product. In addition; the government should restrict the sale of Guns and Ammo to special locations designated by a State Official, and NOT sold at Gun Shows, Pawn Shops, Street Vendors, or Mom-Poppa shops. Lastly, until legislation is passed to remove semi-automatic rifles or mini-machineguns, demand all ammo clips be limited to 10 rounds and not one bullet more.

Humdinger Level 3 Apr 8, 2018

One gun leed to another , an eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind, one gun for another gun will leave everybody dead then there will be no more arguement about gun control


Thank you. The resisistance had a few guns but the non-Jews let it happen. Don't tell me they didn't see the Jews - their neighbors being dragged away and most did nothing, absolutely nothing.

Just like the US rejected Jewish immigrants trying to escape Europe. We are guilty of sending ships back and those people perished.

Yes there were some exceptions that deserve to have their stories told but the majority of the German people did nothing to stop it.

@sassygirl3869 Or most of Europe, for that matter. Or the churches!

The most important didn't do anything is England and France. After the end of WW1 they were supposed to make sure Germany didn't build a big Army and they didn't do shit.


Well said... some Troll made that comment here.


Agree 100% Stuff Like That Makes My Blood Boil!!???

Coldo Level 8 Apr 8, 2018
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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