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Support still high for stricter gun control laws
Ninety percent of voters want to require background checks for all firearm sales.

By STEVEN SHEPARD 04/04/2018 05:46 AM EDT
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Support for stricter gun control laws remains high seven weeks after the mass shooting at a high school in South Florida, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

The poll shows roughly two-thirds of voters, 66 percent, support stricter gun control laws in the U.S., while only 28 percent oppose strengthening the nation’s gun laws. The remaining 6 percent of voters have no opinion.

Overall, support for stricter gun laws is greater than in 2016 and 2017 — including in the days immediately after the mass murder of 57 concertgoers in Las Vegas last October. But it is down slightly from a spike to 70 percent last month right after the shooting in Parkland, Florida.

The latest POLITICO/Morning Consult survey was conducted March 29-April 1 — after the nationwide March for Our Lives rallies, but before the most recent shooting, on Tuesday at YouTube’s offices in San Bruno, California.

In the new poll, the vast majority of self-identified Democratic voters, 85 percent, support enacting stricter gun laws. But so do a narrow majority of Republican voters, 51 percent. Among independents, support for stricter gun laws stands at 63 percent.

Still, there are signs Republicans are peeling away from the effort to pass stronger gun control laws, said Kyle Dropp, Morning Consult’s co-founder and chief research officer.

“As the March for Our Lives rally garnered widespread media attention, our polling suggests Republican opposition against tougher gun laws has increased in the last few weeks,” Dropp said. “In this week’s poll, 46 percent of Republicans indicated they opposed stricter gun laws, compared to 37 percent who said the same two weeks ago.”

The poll also shows broad support for a number of specific gun control initiatives. Nine in 10 voters, 90 percent, support requiring background checks on all gun sales. Eighty-four percent want to bar people on the federal no-fly list from purchasing guns. More than two-thirds, 68 percent, support banning assault-style weapons.

But voters have little optimism that Congress will act beyond the modest changes made in last month’s omnibus bill. Just 8 percent say there is an excellent chance of stricter gun laws passing Congress in the next year or so, while 21 percent describe the chances as good. By comparison, a combined 61 percent say the chances of new gun laws passing Congress in the next year are fair or poor.

AntaresRose 8 May 20
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I agree with @nvrnuff and I like your posting and how clear it is and the stats you provide. I was also shocked to find in a different survey that only 30% of Americans own guns. So somehow 30% of the population along with the NRA are holding us hostage. All of us who want better laws on gun issues need to keep up the pressure by calling our congress people time and time again, voting, rallying, spreading information and getting others registered to vote. I am having a conversation on this site with a guy who I think I'll waste no more breath on as for some reason he absolutely thinks his AR 15 is his given right to have because he uses it to hunt elk. So I say BS to him if he believes that.

If he needs an AR-15 to hunt with, he's not much of a hunter.

@nvrnuff totally agree. A good hunter uses as few shots as possible in order not to damage the meat. I grew up in a hunting community now I live in a city and the only thing people hunt are other humans.
As far as trophy hunters go, I despise what they do but even they would go for the kill with as few shots as possible.
As far as an AR 15 goes it is only good for those pissing contests to determine who is more manly UGH

@AmelieMatisse I concur. I am a hunter myself, I eat what I kill. I would NEVER in amillion years even consider using an AR-15 to hunt with. That is complete bullshit.


With a republican controlled Congress and Republican asshole as president , it means nothing.Nra has bought and paid for nothingness.

nvrnuff Level 8 May 20, 2018

Let's keep things going.

kmdskit3 Level 8 May 20, 2018

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

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Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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