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Idiot With MAGA Hat in Santa Fe

sassygirl3869 9 May 23
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These people are simply clueless!!! I was behind a truck, yesterday (on the mainland not Lopez) and he had a bumper sticker that said "I am a typical American" and underneath he had written Red Neck. Some are even proud of this.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 23, 2018

I'm a proud redneck!


The man was not breaking any laws, poor judgement definitely.

MikeFlora Level 7 May 23, 2018

Yes Its expected from Trump supporters and ammosexuals. The reason he was out there was to make love to his second amendment rights. His dick Sack isn't quite as big as he thinks because he lost his nerve when someone put homeboy on the spot.

Kojaksmom Level 8 May 23, 2018

Since when did criminals start following gun laws?
Since when did all of the illegal guns in the USA disappear?
Since when did all of the mentally ill children vanish?

Because last time I checked they were all still very much the cause of the problem and a piece of paper with some words on it won't change that.

Lancer Level 7 May 23, 2018

So you recognize second amendment is garbage, 18th century bad poetry at best? Nothing but piece of paper with words for those days and times uh? With little relation to 21st century living and dying? Uh?, Uh?

Gee. Gun laws don't work so let's get rid of them! Let's get rid of the law against murder too. Murderers don't follow laws against murder.

That's a argument.

Behind excessive gun control lies an unattainable and unenforceable ideal.
Behind the 2nd amendment lies an attainable ideal of the freedom to defend yourself and your family, but only some people are willing and able to defend themselves and others.

The ideal is what was intended. You cannot eliminate mass shootings just by making it illegal. People in Australia are suffering because we thought the police could protect us, we were wrong. America needs to learn from us that making it harder for law abiding citizens to acquire guns doesn't affect the criminals access to guns.

The people who composed the constitution knew that in every era there have and will be people who try to take life and those who want to protect it. Don't believe that laws will change human nature, because only a fool would believe that.

@GipsyOfNewSpain, @dare2dream
Don't be facetious, we need laws in order to form societies and countries. To show what behaviors we all agree are good and what behaviors are bad. They are the foundation of a civilized society. But in every society there will be people who do not follow the laws. Hence why the laws are only useful if everyone abides by them. We can't have someone not follow them because they don't want to, which is why we lock them up.

All I'm saying is that gun laws don't do anything to stop criminals getting illegal guns. End of story. You think Australia magically got rid of gun violence by enacting laws? If so then why are thousands of guns, grenades and rocket launchers on the streets? Military grade weapons. Sold to criminals by our police and military? If the laws fail to be enforced by those who have sworn to protect our country then what use are they?

@Lancer oh so you are back the ultimate ignorant gun touting stalker... now you are saying a crminal has under the 2nd amendment the right and/or freedom to defend him/herself from law enforcement. Time you get put to pasture. Once again you will be Ignored.

No. Personally I don't agree with criminals having rights. Rights are meant for human beings, not creatures pretending to be human. Right's apply to law abiding citizens. To be honest I don't think that criminals should have guns but you can think what you will.

Since when does any criminal follow any law. Why have any law at all? Is that what you're proposing the human-animal should live under total Anarchy? And show me the statistics on how your country has just as much, if not more ,violent gun crimes than the United States

I never said have no laws or that anarchy was what I was going for. I said criminals by definition cannot be stopped by the laws that they break on a regular basis.

Laws only work if you have an agreeable society. If society contains disagreeable people who have a tendency or affinity towards criminal behavior then they will not be stopped by laws. Hence police use guns to enforce the laws and protect the public.

Also Australia never had any significant gun crime to begin with. Our media kept our mass shootings quiet to ensure that we didn't give any wannabee shooters more ideas. Unlike CNN and the other "unbiased" news companies. Australia didn't have a civil war and we certainly don't have the right to self defense. When we had an uprising the police came en mass and killed the leadership whilst instilling fear into the followers. They were miners asking for the government to reduce the cost of prospecting licenses which they couldn't afford to for every month. Their kids were starving, they were trying to do the decent thing and they were butchered for it. So I guess the British learn't from their mistakes in America.

As for gang violence, home invasions, rapes, murders. We have a lot of those. Also murder didn't go down after the gun buy back. It went up, the only thing that changed was that there was a shift from using guns to using knives. I don't know about you but saying a higher murder rate is a "win" by using gun control is hardly a successful solution.

@Lancer A: No one is calling for "excessive" gun control. Apparently, you think ANY gun control is excessive.

B: Sure, keep your revolver or bolt action rifle at home because you're scared of bogeymen. We're okay with that.

C: Gun violence has decreased in Australia after the gun buyback program.

@Lancer : Gun nuts are all sharing the same delusion that they are the "defenders of Freedom" by way of their gun.

The truth is it's laws and uniformed (police) law enforcers who prevent gun violence. It is very rare that an armed citizen stops a crime. An incident like that is anecdotal evidence. Not the norm.

The truth is gun nuts are men who act like boys playing soldier with real guns. They should go play at a paintball club or laser tag. We don't want people playing "Defender of Freedom" with real guns around our families and children!

It is estimated in the United States each year between 300 and 500000 guns are stolen and just put on the streets. This to me is proof of how responsible gun owners are. Your average gun nut cannot even secure weapon properly let alone use it responsibly

@Lancer Ignored.

A: I think Americas current gun control laws are sufficient as long as they are enforced. The problem lies in the police being underfunded and overworked by the lazy politicians who would rather spend the budget on their own private events and election campaigns.

B: I think people who break into homes, rape and kill innocent people are a bit more of a threat than the "bogeyman" wouldn't you agree? also don't tell me it doesn't happen or it is insignificant. Because I believe that every man and woman should be able to defend themselves with the best weapon they can get. So that is semi-automatic pistols and rifles.

C: As I said before. Australia never had a gun violence culture to begin with. We still have mass shootings and gun crime. The only difference is we don't publicize it as much as the US media. Because they have an agenda of disarmament and we just tell the news as it is then move on.
Gun crime was going down way before 1996 and that is an irrefutable fact. The 1996 ban did nothing.

Also these people are defenders of freedom. Because if you can change the 2nd amendment, you sure as hell can change the 1st, 3rd, 4th, etc. The 2nd amendment is the only thing that allows you to have the 1st amendment. You give up your right to self defense then it'll be your right to free speech next. It's not about people who like guns, it's about people who want to live in a free society.

@dare2dream, @Kojaksmom
That's hardly the fault of gun owners. It's the fault of the police and justice system for not locking these dirt bags up in prison where they belong.

@dare2dream, @Kojaksmom, @GipsyOfNewSpain
If you're going to comment then at least make it something worth reading.

@Lancer and if you're going to comment at least tell us something that we haven't heard a billion times before by the true God the NRA. When laws are unable to be enforced , that generally means that There are no consequences to breaking them.The NRA will not hear of it.

If we can't stop the criminals then the least we can do is allow law abiding citizens to arm and protect themselves. They don't complain about people being unarmed so don't complain about them being armed. Just live and let live.

@Lancer : This may come as a shock to you but no one is calling for changing or doing away with the 2nd Amend. or any other amendments.That's just NRA brainwashing to scare paranoid scaredy cats.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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